How Important is Age When It Comes to Living Your Dream?

Clarence Lee, Jr.
1 min readOct 29, 2018


How important is age?

Many people site age as one of the reason they aren’t living their dream or they see it as an obstacle to be addressed.

Here’s the deal on age, you can either tell yourself you are too old or that you are too young.

But the truth is: All we have is now.

So, if you have a vision that you want to pursue the time to do it is now. Don’t listen to the voice that says you need more “experience” or that “your time has passed.”

You can add value to the world RIGHT NOW with the experience, life lessons, and things you’ve studied, etc.

There will never be a perfect time for you to live your vision. The idea is to get to a point where you realize there is no more time to waste.

Originally published at Clarence Lee Jr..



Clarence Lee, Jr.

Physician-Entrepreneur-Visionary-Servant: LOVE LIFE. You ARE as you say you ARE. Give the world the gifts that were given to you.