Three warnings for someone just starting their software development journey

Carlos Molina
3 min readSep 25, 2022

Do you know how you can figure out that a software developer might be lying? It’s easy. If he say that became an expert in programming in less than a year, that he learned by spending few hours a day, and that rarely had problems with the lessons, exercises, and projects.

Let me give you these three warnings if you want to be a software developer:

  1. You’ll need to like programming, or at least have done something basic, like Excel macros.

2) You have to be willing to put in many, many hours a day.

3) And finally, you have to be willing to experience frustration very often.

To learn to program seriously, one usually matriculate in a good Bootcamp or an Online School for Software Developers, like Microverse for example, where you will soon realize that you will have to dedicate full time to it (and more than that, much more; what you never imagined), to digest all the knowledge they give and for be able to meet the deadlines of the weekly tasks assigned to you.

Another reality, which I mentioned above, is that you will have to fight against the frequent frustrations that will arise, every month, every week, and maybe every day, for not fully understanding the lessons or tasks that have been assigned to you. It is not easy for any of us who, practically, started from scratch

Rest assured that the road will be very hard and that you will frequently deal with the impostor syndrome, that little voice inside that whispers that you are not good enough.

However, if you managed to stay on your feet during this hard process, without giving up, your reward will be knowing that a great love has come into your life, that is, programming. Because only loving her passionately would it have been possible to weather these storms.

In addition, you will realize (or you will be convinced) that you are a curious person, that you are passionate about technology, that you are creative, and that solving problems is your thing.

And, of course, you will also come out stronger, more resilient, and able to successfully face the incredible challenges that will be presented to you in the next few years of your life.

I wish you a great journey …. and a happy coding !!



Carlos Molina

A Full Stack Web Developer student and IT Professional, learning new technologies like React and Ruby on Rails at @microverseinc