Named entity recognition (NER) in natural language processing

Murage Charles
10 min readJul 6, 2023


Photo by Mohammad Rahmani on Unsplash

When it comes to unraveling the intricate details hidden within text, Named Entity Recognition (NER) stands tall as a vital task in the realm of Natural Language Processing (NLP). By identifying and classifying named entities, such as people, organizations, locations, and more, NER plays a key role in numerous applications like information extraction, question answering systems, recommendation engines, and sentiment analysis.

In this article, we embark on a journey to explore the techniques and models employed in NER, unraveling the mechanisms that power this fascinating field of study.

Understanding Named Entity Recognition

In the vast landscape of Natural Language Processing, Named Entity Recognition (NER) emerges as a fundamental and indispensable task.

At its core, NER involves the extraction of named entities, which are specific types of terms that hold significant meaning within the text. These entities can encompass a diverse range of elements, such as the names of individuals, organizations, locations, dates, monetary values, and more.

The importance of NER stems from its ability to equip machines with the capability to comprehend and categorize the rich tapestry of information present in unstructured text data. By automating the process of identifying named entities, NER empowers various downstream applications to glean valuable insights from vast amounts of textual information.

NER plays a critical role in numerous domains. In information extraction, NER acts as a guiding light, enabling systems to identify and extract structured information from unstructured text. This is particularly useful in scenarios where large volumes of data need to be processed, such as in news articles, scientific papers, or legal documents.

Question answering systems also heavily rely on NER. By pinpointing entities that are relevant to user queries, NER helps these systems understand the context and provide precise answers. Consider a scenario where a user asks, “What movies has Tom Hanks acted in?” NER allows the system to recognize “Tom Hanks” as a person entity and extract the necessary information about his movies from the available data.

Additionally, NER proves invaluable in social media analysis. With the ever-increasing prominence of platforms like Twitter and Facebook, understanding trends, sentiment, and user profiles becomes crucial. NER aids in identifying and categorizing entities mentioned in social media posts, enabling deeper analysis of public opinion, topic trends, and user preferences.

The challenges encountered in NER arise from the inherent complexity and variety of named entities present in text. Entities can have multiple forms, alternate spellings, or be context-dependent, requiring sophisticated approaches to accurately identify and classify them. Furthermore, the ever-evolving nature of language and the abundance of noisy and informal textual data pose additional hurdles for NER systems.

Approaches to Named Entity Recognition

Named Entity Recognition (NER) encompasses a variety of approaches that leverage different techniques to identify and classify named entities within text. Let’s explore some of the key methodologies employed in this field:

  1. Rule-based Approaches: One of the earliest and simplest approaches to NER involves the use of handcrafted rules and pattern matching techniques. These rules are designed to identify specific patterns or sequences of words that indicate the presence of named entities. For example, a rule might state that if a word is capitalized and follows a title such as “Mr.” or “Dr.,” it is likely to represent a person’s name. While rule-based methods can be effective in certain cases, they often require expert knowledge and manual crafting, making them less flexible when faced with the complexity and diversity of real-world named entities.
  2. Supervised Learning: Supervised learning approaches for NER involve training machine learning models on labeled data, where each word in a text sequence is assigned a label indicating its entity type. These models learn patterns and correlations between the words and their corresponding labels, enabling them to make predictions on unseen text. Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) are popular algorithms used in supervised learning for NER. CRFs consider the context and dependencies between words in a sequence, allowing them to capture the sequential nature of language and improve the accuracy of entity recognition.
  3. Neural Network-based Approaches: With the advent of deep learning, neural network-based approaches have gained prominence in NER. These models leverage the power of artificial neural networks to automatically learn features and representations from text data. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks have been widely used in NER tasks, as they can effectively model the sequential dependencies present in text. By considering the context of each word in relation to its neighboring words, RNN-based models can capture intricate patterns that aid in identifying and classifying named entities.
  4. Transformer-based Models: In recent years, transformer-based models have revolutionized the field of NLP, including NER. Transformers, such as BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), have achieved remarkable performance in various NLP tasks. These models are pre-trained on large-scale corpora and can be fine-tuned on NER-specific data. Transformers capture contextual information by considering both the preceding and succeeding words for each word in a text sequence, enabling them to make highly accurate predictions about named entities. Their ability to handle long-range dependencies and capture nuanced semantic relationships has made them a popular choice for NER applications.

Each approach to NER comes with its own strengths and limitations. Rule-based methods can be effective for specific domains with well-defined patterns, but they require manual effort to create and maintain rules.

Supervised learning approaches excel when sufficient labeled training data is available, but they may struggle with out-of-vocabulary words or handling rare entity types.

Neural network-based models offer the advantage of automatically learning relevant features from data, but they require substantial computational resources and large amounts of annotated data for training. Transformer-based models have shown exceptional performance but demand significant computational power and memory requirements.

Preprocessing for NER

Before delving into the intricacies of Named Entity Recognition (NER), it is crucial to lay the groundwork through preprocessing steps. These steps help transform raw text into a format that is more amenable to NER algorithms. Let’s explore the essential preprocessing techniques involved in NER:

  1. Tokenization: Tokenization is the process of breaking down a text into individual tokens or words. In NER, tokenization serves as the initial step to segment the text, allowing the NER algorithm to operate at the word level. Tokenization ensures that each word is treated as a separate unit, facilitating subsequent analysis and identification of named entities. Modern tokenization techniques take into account complex language structures, handling contractions, hyphenated words, and punctuation marks effectively.
  2. Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging: Part-of-speech tagging involves assigning a grammatical category or tag to each word in a sentence. POS tagging provides additional contextual information about the words, aiding in NER. For example, knowing that a word is a noun can help determine if it represents a person, organization, or location. By considering the syntactic role of each word in the sentence, POS tagging helps improve the accuracy of named entity recognition systems.
  3. Word Embeddings: Word embeddings represent words as dense, low-dimensional vectors in a continuous space, capturing semantic and contextual information. Embeddings allow NER models to leverage distributed representations of words, enabling them to understand word similarities and relationships. Pretrained word embeddings, such as Word2Vec and GloVe, have proven effective in NER tasks, as they capture semantic properties and general language knowledge. These embeddings can be further fine-tuned on specific NER datasets to adapt them to the task at hand.

NER Techniques and Models

Named Entity Recognition (NER) encompasses a wide array of techniques and models that aid in the identification and classification of named entities within text. Let’s explore some of the key approaches utilized in NER:

  1. Rule-based NER: Rule-based NER systems rely on handcrafted rules and pattern matching to identify named entities. These rules are designed based on linguistic and domain-specific knowledge and patterns. For example, a rule may state that if a word is preceded by the title “Dr.” or “Mr.” and followed by a capitalized word, it is likely a person’s name. Rule-based approaches can be effective in scenarios with well-defined patterns, but they often struggle with capturing context-dependent entities or adapting to evolving language usage.
  2. Conditional Random Fields (CRF): CRF is a widely used machine learning algorithm for NER. It leverages labeled training data to learn the conditional probabilities of entity labels given the observed word sequence. CRF models capture the dependencies between neighboring words and the contextual information to make accurate predictions. By considering the surrounding context, CRF models can handle complex entity boundaries and improve the overall precision and recall of NER.
  3. Bidirectional LSTM-CRF: Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs) have gained popularity in NER due to their ability to capture sequential dependencies in text. In the case of bidirectional LSTM-CRF models, LSTMs process the input sequence in both forward and backward directions, allowing them to capture contextual information from both past and future words. The outputs of the LSTM are then fed into a CRF layer, which predicts the entity labels. This architecture has shown promising results in NER tasks, achieving high precision and recall.
  4. Transformer-based Models: Transformer-based models, such as BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), have revolutionized NER performance. These models are pre-trained on large-scale text corpora, learning contextual representations of words. During pre-training, they acquire a deep understanding of language structures, enabling them to capture intricate relationships and nuances. Fine-tuning these models on NER-specific data allows them to adapt to the task and achieve state-of-the-art performance in named entity recognition.

The choice of NER technique or model depends on factors such as the available labeled data, computational resources, and the specific requirements of the task. Rule-based approaches are useful when explicit patterns can be defined, while machine learning and deep learning models excel when large labeled datasets are available. Transformer-based models, with their remarkable ability to capture context, have pushed the boundaries of NER performance.

Training and Evaluation of NER

Training and evaluating Named Entity Recognition (NER) systems require careful preparation of labeled data, thoughtful feature engineering, and the selection of appropriate evaluation metrics. Let’s dive into these essential aspects of NER:

  1. Labeled Training Data: To train an NER model, a labeled dataset is required, where each word in a text sequence is annotated with its corresponding entity label. Creating labeled data can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task, often requiring domain expertise. Various strategies, such as manual annotation or leveraging existing labeled datasets, can be employed to generate training data. It’s essential to ensure the quality and consistency of the labels to train an accurate NER model.
  2. Feature Engineering: Feature engineering involves transforming the raw text and linguistic features into representations that capture the relevant information for NER. Traditional approaches include handcrafted features such as word shapes, capitalization patterns, and part-of-speech tags. In the era of deep learning, features are often learned automatically using neural network architectures. Word embeddings, character-level representations, and contextual information are common features used in modern NER systems. The choice of features depends on the available data and the selected NER model.
  3. Model Training: NER models are trained using the labeled data and appropriate algorithms or architectures. This typically involves an iterative process where the model learns to predict the entity labels given the input features. The training process involves optimizing model parameters to minimize a loss function, such as cross-entropy loss. Training may require tuning hyperparameters, selecting suitable optimization algorithms, and applying regularization techniques to prevent overfitting.
  4. Evaluation Metrics: Evaluating the performance of NER systems requires the use of specific metrics. Some commonly used evaluation metrics for NER include precision, recall, and F1 score. Precision measures the proportion of correctly predicted entities out of the total predicted entities, while recall measures the proportion of correctly predicted entities out of the total actual entities. The F1 score provides a balanced measure by considering both precision and recall. Additionally, metrics like accuracy and entity-level metrics, such as entity-level precision and recall, can be used to assess the overall performance of NER systems.

Real-World Applications of NER

Named Entity Recognition (NER) finds wide-ranging applications in various industries and domains. Let’s see some of the real-world use cases where NER plays a crucial role:

  1. Healthcare and Biomedicine: In the healthcare sector, NER is employed to extract and categorize medical entities such as diseases, symptoms, medications, and anatomical terms from electronic health records, research papers, and clinical notes. NER assists in information retrieval, clinical decision support, pharmacovigilance, and biomedical research. By accurately identifying and categorizing medical entities, NER enables healthcare professionals and researchers to gain valuable insights, improve patient care, and advance medical knowledge.
  2. Finance and Risk Analysis: NER is instrumental in financial domains, aiding in information extraction from documents such as news articles, SEC filings, and financial reports. Entities like company names, stock symbols, currencies, and financial metrics are extracted to monitor market trends, perform sentiment analysis, and assess investment risks. NER helps automate tasks like portfolio management, fraud detection, and regulatory compliance by providing accurate and timely information extraction.
  3. Social Media Analytics: With the proliferation of social media platforms, NER is leveraged to analyze and extract entities from social media posts, comments, and conversations. It enables sentiment analysis, opinion mining, and brand monitoring by identifying and classifying named entities like user mentions, hashtags, locations, and product references. NER in social media analytics helps businesses gain insights into customer behavior, perform market research, and engage with their target audience effectively.
  4. Information Extraction and Search: NER plays a vital role in information retrieval and search applications. By extracting entities like people, organizations, locations, and dates, NER enhances search engines’ understanding of user queries and improves the relevance of search results. NER assists in question-answering systems, document summarization, and recommendation engines by identifying and extracting key information from text sources.
  5. Legal and Compliance: In the legal industry, NER helps extract legal entities such as names of laws, regulations, court cases, and legal citations from legal documents, contracts, and court records. NER aids in legal research, contract analysis, and compliance monitoring by automatically identifying and categorizing legal entities, ensuring adherence to legal frameworks and facilitating efficient legal processes.


By understanding the fundamentals of NER and staying abreast of advancements in the field, we can harness the power of named entity recognition to extract valuable insights, automate processes, and make informed decisions.


