Yes, White People Can Sell Tortillas

Chris Newman
Sylvanaqua Farms
Published in
7 min readDec 20, 2018


Tortillas in Oaxaca, (Ilhuicamina via pinterest)

There’s a magazine out there called Garden & Gun, and I’ll admit this up front: it’s a southern-lifestyle rag that’s been one of my favorite lazy reads for years. And now, I think the time has come to cancel my subscription.

The publication became known to me by way of my in-laws, who have introduced me to lots of things White people like, most of which involve dipping bourbon into things and things into bourbon. One day after an introduction to dipping a cigar into Woodford before taking a draft, I happened upon a Garden & Gun issue sitting on a coffee table at their house, and cracked it open mostly out of boredom.

My initial assumption — this was a magazine for redneck preppers with libertarian politics — could not have been futher from the truth: Garden&Gun is full of articles about shotguns that cost more than my education, ads for 4,000-acre estates and private jet services, and showcases of made-in-the-south wares like fly fishing rods fetching north of $5,000.

It’s a southern Goop, for people inclined to devil a jade egg rather than have sex with it.

Do not let this chick near your hens (via New York Times)

I was attracted to the magazine for its food and cocktail recipes, chef…



Chris Newman
Sylvanaqua Farms

Building a new, accessible, open, and democratic food economy in the Chesapeake Bay region @ Sylvanaqua Farms