Data Blending in Tableau

4 min readMay 4, 2022
Photo by fabio on Unsplash

Data blending is referred to as a way of combining data in Tableau. Blending gives a quick and simple way to bring information from multiple data sources into a view. For instance, we have Profit data from SQL database and Profit data in an Excel spreadsheet.

This might look confusing but whenever the data blending is used efficiently, it provides the best way to merge data sources in Tableau. We must also avoid using data blending incorrectly so the Tableau Server won’t be brought down.

Primary and Secondary Sources in Data Blending

There is constantly a primary source and a secondary data source when blending in Tableau. It is important for us to know which is the primary source as it can impact your view. As it is a type of left join, all fields will be included from the primary and related from the secondary.

How to Prepare Data For Data Blending

We will demonstrate using the coffee_chain_data and Office city data. Let’s show you how we brought both our primary and secondary data in. Click on the Data Tab to bring in the Coffee Chain Data.




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