Data Extraction from Wix API

3 min readAug 30, 2021

The Wix Data API allows you to work with your database collections using code and gives you more capabilities than what is available in the Editor alone. You can use this API to work with your site’s registered users. This API lets you get information about the current user, prompt a user to log in, and can log out the current user. The Wix-users API can be used in your site’s front-end code.

Here is the list of the processes we would follow in this article to get data from the Wix API:

  • Create an application under the Wix developer center
  • Set up permission and derive the token, authorization, code, access token, and refresh token
  • Get the data you need

Create an application under the Wix Developer center

Step 1: To get started with the API, we need to first go to the website and create a new application via the developer center for our Wix account. Afterward, we would set our Redirect URL & App URL on the OAuth tab.

Step 2: The next step is to add new permission under the permissions tab, where we select the kind of permission we need from the different categories (Wix Stores, Pricing Plans, Marketing, Wix Events, Contacts & Members, etc.). Any of these permissions we set, actually indicates the type of data we are…




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