How to Get Data from Medium API

5 min readSep 17, 2021

Does Medium have an API? This is a question that has been asked several times by users. The answer is yes. Medium’s API is a JSON-based OAuth2 API. All requests are made to endpoints beginning: and all requests must be secure, i.e. https , not http.

We can interact with the Medium Api using the programming language of our choice solely to get the data we are interested in. In this post, we will use Python language to get our data. Here is the list of the data we would be getting.

  • List of publications by user
  • Statistical analysis of Medium account

First things First: Integration Token

The first thing we need to do before we can start pulling data from Medium is to acquire an integration token. We can do this by going to settings under our profile tab and then click on integration token. Click on “get integration token” after passing a description for the token. This brings out a long list of hex strings that we can use as access tokens in our code.

We can also use the Developer option right below the integration token whereby we can create a new application here and then…




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