Working hard makes it easier for luck to find you.

Chad Magee
1 min readDec 13, 2016


Life cannot be described in generalities and definites.

If you work hard, you might succeed. There’s no guarantee, but there are few outlying stories that talk about people who just got lucky without any work.

The fact is working hard only increases your chances of luck finding you. I think it can be simpler than that.

I believe that the true path to success lies in showing up.

Showing up means you decided that this thing you’re doing is important. It means you’re taking responsibility for your life.

You can’t write a novel without showing up everyday to write.

If you don’t go to practice, you probably won’t even be on the team to have a shot a starting.

You want to date that person you’ve been eyeing up? You have to show up to ask them out (You had better show up for any dates too).

What about losing weight? You either have to show up at the gym or show up to make good nutritional decisions at each meal.

Showing up is 20% of the effort that gets 80% of the results. Once you’ve decided to show up consistently, luck will arrive. It may not be what you envisioned, but it will take you somewhere great.

So, are you going to show up today?



Chad Magee

I write about the tips for success I have tried and found helpful. I am documenting in the hopes that others will learn from my journey. Opinions are my own.