Solving the SEND + MORE = MONEY Cryptarithmetic Puzzle💡🧩

Saurabh Tenpe
3 min readSep 5, 2023


Cryptarithmetic puzzles are a captivating fusion of mathematics, logic, and wordplay that challenge our cognitive faculties. One of the most renowned cryptarithmetic puzzles is SEND + MORE = MONEY. In this blog post, we will embark on a journey to decipher the hidden numerical code behind this intriguing puzzle. So, sharpen your pencils, engage your logical thinking, and let’s dive into the world of cryptarithmetic. 🚀

The Puzzle: SEND + MORE = MONEY 🧐

Let’s begin by presenting the puzzle at hand:

+ M O R E
— — — — -

In this puzzle, each letter represents a distinct digit, and our ultimate objective is to find the correct digit-to-letter substitutions that yield a valid arithmetic equation. However, before we plunge into the solving process, let’s first establish the critical constraints governing this cryptarithmetic challenge.

The Constraints:

1. No Leading Zeros: To ensure a meaningful numerical representation, we cannot assign the digit 0 to any of the letters in the equation. This restriction eliminates the possibility of S, E, N, M, O, R, and Y equating to 0.🚫

2. S + M > 10: Since we are adding two numbers (SEND and MORE) to get another number (MONEY), the sum of the first digits (S and M) must be greater than 10. This requirement is essential because when the sum of two digits exceeds 9, we carry over to the next column.🔢

3. E + O is Even: Given that the number represented by N is odd (as it occupies the units place in MONEY), the sum of E and O must be even since the sum of two odd numbers is always even.

The Solving Process:

Solving a cryptarithmetic puzzle like SEND + MORE = MONEY requires a systematic approach and a dash of trial and error. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the solving process:

Step 1: Brute Force Start: We begin by employing a brute force approach. This means we systematically try different digit-to-letter substitutions, starting with the letters that are least constrained. In this case, S and M are prime candidates for initial guesses.🔍

Step 2: Initial Deductions: With the constraints in mind, we make some initial deductions. For instance, since S, E, N, D, M, O, R, and Y are all distinct digits, they must be assigned values between 1 and 9. S + M > 10 narrows down our choices for S and M to 1, 2, and 3. This restriction helps us make educated guesses. 🧐

Step 3: Building the Equation: As we make our initial guesses for S and M, we can start constructing the equation. For example, assuming S = 2 and M = 3, we can deduce values for other letters based on the sum of the first column (S + M). This initial equation might look like this:

+ M O R E
— — — — -

Step 4: Trial and Error: Cryptarithmetic puzzles often involve trial and error. If our initial guesses don’t lead to a valid solution, we backtrack and try different combinations. This process continues until we discover the correct substitution of digits that satisfies all constraints and results in a valid equation. 🔀

The Solution:

After careful deduction and trial and error, we arrive at the solution for the SEND + MORE = MONEY puzzle:

9 5 6 7
+ 1 0 8 5
— — — — -
1 0 6 5 2

With these digit-to-letter substitutions, the equation holds true, and the puzzle is solved. S = 9, E = 5, N = 6, D = 7, M = 1, O = 0, R = 8, and Y = 2. 🎉


Solving the SEND + MORE = MONEY cryptarithmetic puzzle is a testament to the power of logical reasoning and systematic problem-solving. Cryptarithmetic challenges like these not only provide mental stimulation but also offer a sense of accomplishment when cracked. So, the next time you encounter a cryptarithmetic puzzle, remember the constraints, apply a systematic approach, and unleash your inner codebreaker to unveil the hidden numerical secrets within.

Happy puzzling! 😊🔢

