Building Trust — The Essence of Dependability in
Software Engineering

Anushka Tiwari
3 min readNov 18, 2023


In the world of computers, it’s super important that software works well
all the time. Imagine if your favorite app suddenly stops working or if an
online payment gets stuck — it’s frustrating! That’s where dependability
comes in. It’s like the strong foundation of software, making sure it
works smoothly and can be trusted, even when things get tough.

The dependability of a system reflects the user’s degree of trust in that
system. It reflects the extent of the user’s confidence that it will operate
as users expect and that it will not ‘fail’ in normal use. 

1.1 Let’s move on to talking the Importance of Dependability :

  1. System failures may have widespread effects with large numbers of
    people affected by the failure.

2. Systems that are not dependable and are unreliable, unsafe or
insecure may be rejected by their users.

3. The costs of system failure may be very high if the failure leads to
economic losses or physical damage.

4. Undependable Systems may cause information loss with a high consequent recovery cost.

source —

1.2 If failure occurs in the dependability of the system, it could be due to the case of —

Hardware failure Hardware fails because of design and manufacturing errors or because components have reached the end of their natural life.

Software failureSoftware fails due to errors in its specification, design or

Operational failure — Human operators make mistakes. Now perhaps the largest single cause of system failures in socio-technical systems.

1.3 Dependability properties :

source — Ian Sommerville Software Engineering

1.4 There are some principal properties or the pillars of dependability discussed below —

1.Availability — The probability that the system will be up and running
and able to deliver useful services to users.

2. Reliability — The probability that the system will correctly deliver
services as expected by users.

3. Safety — A judgment of how likely it is that the system will cause
damage to people or its environment.

4. Security — A judgment of how likely it is that the system can resist
accidental or deliberate intrusions.

5. Resilience — A judgment of how well a system can maintain the
continuity of its critical services in the presence of disruptive events such
as equipment failure and cyber attacks. 

1.5 Dependability Keeps Your Information Safe

When we use apps or websites, we often share personal information. Dependability ensures that our data, like our passwords or bank details, stays safe. It’s like having a guardian that protects our information from
falling into the wrong hands. 

1.6 How Dependability is Achieved

Building dependable software isn’t easy, but it’s crucial. It involves a
whole process. First, experts design the software with care, considering how it should work and what might go wrong. Then comes testing — like
giving the software a series of challenges to make sure it works in
different situations. Monitoring is also essential. It’s like keeping an eye
on the software to catch any problems early on. And finally, there’s
adapting — making changes to improve the software based on what’s learned.

1.7 Building Trust through Dependability
Imagine if you had a friend who always keeps their promises. You’d trust
them, right? It’s similar with software. When software performs
consistently well, doesn’t crash unexpectedly, and keeps our data secure,
it builds our trust in it. 

1.8 Conclusion —

Making software you can trust isn’t just about writing perfect code. It’s a
whole process that mixes tech skills with human values. To build
dependable software, you need to keep designing, testing, watching, and adjusting it all the time. The goal is to make users feel sure that the
software will work well, keep their stuff safe, and do what they need —
even when things are tough. Dependability is what makes people trust

