The Hidden Dangers of Excessive Sugar: How to lower Blood Pressure. What You Need to Know & How to Lower Blood Sugar.

Dr. Helen Avery
11 min readJun 11, 2024

Defend Your Health

In today’s fast-paced world, sugar has become a ubiquitous part of our diet. From morning cereals and coffee to those dopamine releasing snacks and dinner sauces — have you ever thought of how sugar sneaks into your meals, often without you even realizing it? While sugar can provide a quick energy boost, its long-term impact on health is a huge concern. As a healthcare professional, I feel passionate and compelled to highlight the leading problems associated with excessive sugar consumption which lead to high blood pressure and high cholesterol, a direct result of over- indulgence in sugary drinks & the fast food culture our modern society is filled with.

In this article, I will demonstrate the most effective ways to lower blood pressure, fight high blood pressure and lower cholesterol. And all by doing one thing — cutting down our sugar intake and defending against the temptation of sugary foods and drinks, as the potential long-term outcomes of high blood sugar are absolutely critical.

I’ll offer some practical solutions to safeguard your health and provide some recommendations that I have been advising my nutrition clients to give a try; one of which the results have been massively positive and quite amazing.

1. Weight Gain and Obesity

Excessive sugar intake is a significant contributor to weight gain and obesity. I remember the years when I struggled with my own weight. It felt like a constant battle; despite my efforts to eat healthily, sugar always found its way into my diet. Morning coffee with sugary syrups, midday snacks loaded with hidden sugars, and even seemingly healthy dinners often contained more sugar than I realized. When we consume sugar, our body breaks it down into glucose, which, if not used immediately for energy, is stored as fat.

Over time, this leads to weight gain, as it did for me. I noticed my clothes fitting tighter, my energy levels dropping, and simple physical activities becoming more challenging. Needless to say my self-esteem took a hit and I felt trapped in a cycle of sugar cravings and weight gain. This gradual increase in weight can result in obesity, a condition associated with numerous health complications such as heart disease, diabetes, and joint problems. It wasn’t until I took a hard look at my sugar consumption and made deliberate changes that I began to see improvements. Reducing sugar in take and finding supportive tools like the Sugar Defender supplement helped me regain control over my weight and health.

2. Type 2 Diabetes

High sugar consumption can lead to insulin resistance, where the body’s cells become less responsive to insulin, causing elevated blood sugar levels. This condition is a precursor to type 2 diabetes, a chronic disease that can have severe consequences on your overall health, including heart disease, nerve damage and kidney failure. I witnessed this first-hand through my friend’s aunt, Prena.

Prena loved her sweets — cakes, sodas, candies, you name it. Initially, it didn’t seem like a big deal; she was always full of energy and enjoyed life to the fullest. However, over the years, her sugar intake caught up with her. Over time she started to feel constantly fatigued and thirsty and noticed frequent urination. Countless trips to the toilet, soon became the norm. When she finally visited her doctor, she was diagnosed with insulin resistance, which soon progressed to type 2 diabetes.

Watching Prena struggle was heart-wrenching. She had to manage her blood sugar levels very closely & take multiple medications on a daily basis. Complications like nerve pain and kidney issues, began arising and her quality of life diminished significantly. The joys she once found in everyday activities were overshadowed by the burden of managing this debilitating disease.

Seeing her go through this made me realize how crucial it is to monitor and control our sugar intake. No one should have to experience the debilitating effects of type 2 diabetes. Taking preventive steps, such as reducing sugar consumption and using supportive tools like the Sugar Defender, can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and avoid the devastating consequences Prena and her family eventually faced to support her.

3. Heart Disease

High sugar consumption increases the risk of developing heart disease, a leading cause of death across various demographics. Let’s break it down with some eye-opening statistics: in America, heart disease accounts for about 1 in every 4 deaths. Among the Indian populations, the risk of heart disease is significantly higher due to dietary patterns rich in sugar and saturated fats. Afro-Americans also face a higher prevalence, with heart disease being the leading cause of death in this community.

Let’s talk about the foods that contribute to this problem and take a deeper dive. We Americans love our sugary sodas, chocolate bars, fast-food joints and drive-through McDonald's. Lets face it who doesn't love a side of fries with a mouth watering double-decker cheese burger on a Friday!

Growing up, I was very fond of South Asian sweets like gulab jamun and jalebi, which were often accompanied by carb-heavy meals. These were the go-to snacks I had growing up, on weekly visits to Prena (my friends aunt) in her warm, colorful & welcoming kitchen.

In the Afro-American community, it’s difficult not to enjoy traditional soul food, which, while delicious, often includes fried chicken, sweetened cornbread, and sugary beverages.

I remember my aunt’s husband Kendrick, an Afro-American man, with a hearty appetite for all things fried and sweet, would enjoy his breakfast, often consisting of sugary cereals or pancakes drenched in syrup, and lunch was usually a quick take out meal. Dinner? Well, let’s just say it was a celebration of fried chicken and sweet tea. Over the years, this diet took its toll. Kendrick began experiencing chest pains and shortness of breath one day and a visit to the doctor revealed a series of clogged arteries and an imminent risk of heart disease.

Heart disease - it’s no joke - but let’s add a sprinkle of humour to our preventative measures. Imagine Uncle Kendricks arteries as a traffic jam during rush hour. The more sugar and saturated fats he consumed, the more cars (fat deposits) clogged the lanes, leading to a complete traffic standstill (heart disease).

Now, what if uncle Kendrick had a team of traffic controllers (natural sugar-defending ingredients) to keep things flowing smoothly? By incorporating natural supplements that effectively lower blood sugar and and therefore lower cholesterol, this would help manage blood sugar levels and reduce bad cholesterol. So in reality he could have cleared those clogged arteries and improved his heart health.

By using a supplement like Sugar Defender, it’s the equivalent to hiring a professional clean-up crew for your arteries. It supports heart health by managing blood pressure and reducing triglycerides, keeping those “traffic lanes” clear and flowing. So, let’s take a page from uncle Kendrick’s book and start making smarter dietary choices today. Reduce sugar, embrace natural supplements, and enjoy a healthier heart and a good laugh along the way.

4. Dental Problems

Sugar is a primary cause of dental issues, including cavities and gum disease. When sugar is left on the teeth, it interacts with bacteria in the mouth to form acid, which erodes tooth enamel and leads to cavities. This is a harsh lesson many of us (including me, who’ve a penchant to a sweet tooth) have had to face, which in time can lead to multiple dental problems.

Lets be honest, most people, especially us women have been prone to the to the likes of candy, the odd gummy bear, chocolate, you name it. I recall Jenny, a friend of mine who I studied with during our sophomore year in college — would have many visits to the dentist, some of them bearing that all but good news. “Another cavity,” the dentist would say. Granted, Jenny, a sensitive soul - would break down into tears, in a hysteria, every time. Despite brushing her teeth regularly, the constant sugar in-take kept causing damage. She had to undergo several fillings and even a root canal, all of which were painful and expensive.

Dental problems from sugar aren’t just about cavities, though. Jenny also started experiencing gum sensitivity and bleeding, signs of early gum disease which stem from a high sugar in-take. It was a wake-up call for her to cut down on sugar and take better care of her oral health. This in turn would help lower blood sugar and by reducing sugary foods, would then lead to lower overall cholesterol levels, mitigate high blood pressure (a welcome bonus) and aid in the declining impact it had on her gum and dental health.

Preventing dental issues starts with reducing sugar intake and maintaining good oral hygiene. Using a liquid formula such as Sugar Defender can further support oral health by managing sugar absorption and reducing cravings. This, combined with regular brushing and flossing, will help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Remember, a smile is the best accessory, and keeping it bright and healthy is worth every bit of effort.

5. Liver Disease

Excessive sugar, particularly in the form of fructose, will in time, overload the liver, leading to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This condition occurs when fat builds up in the liver, potentially leading to liver inflammation and damage. One of my neighbours, Sam, experienced this first-hand.

Sweetened beverages — sodas, fruit juices, energy drinks, you name it, are a lot of people’s go-to liquid refreshments these days. Over the years, Sam was gaining weight around his abdomen and soon started to feel that irritable, constant fatigue associated with sugar highs and lows. A routine check-up revealed elevated liver enzymes, and further tests confirmed NAFLD.

Now, Sam didn’t drink alcohol, so he never thought he could have liver problems. His doctor explained that his high fructose in-take was the culprit. He had to make significant lifestyle changes, including cutting out sugary drinks and adopting a healthier diet. He also started using a variety of natural supplements, several of which I recommended to him.

However, the all round №1 result giver was the Sugar Defender. And after lots of trial and error he decided to stick this one out. It significantly helped manage his sugar in-take, support his liver health and lower his blood sugar. He is making a steady recovery and recent tests show his NAFLD has receded.

NAFLD can be reversed with lifestyle changes, and taking a proactive approach is key. Reducing sugar consumption and using natural supplements as the one suggested in this article can help prevent fat build-up in the liver and maintain overall liver health. It’s about making small, consistent changes that lead to significant long-term benefits.

6. Mental Health Issues

Studies have shown a correlation between high sugar intake and mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. Sugar can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels, which can affect mood and energy levels, contributing to feelings of irritability and anxiety. I experienced this during my college years.

College was stressful, and I often turned to sugary snacks for a quick energy boost during late-night study sessions. At first, it seemed to help — I felt a surge of energy and focus. But soon, I noticed mood swings, irritability, and feelings of anxiety creeping in. The highs from the sugar rushes were always followed by crashes, leaving me feeling worse than before.

It took a while to realize that my sugar consumption was affecting my mental health. Cutting back on sugar and incorporating more balanced meals made a significant difference. I also started using Sugar Defender, which helped stabilize my blood sugar levels and reduce cravings, leading to more consistent energy and mood levels.

Mental health is as important as physical health, and managing sugar in-take can play a crucial role in maintaining emotional well-being. Finding natural supplements that can support this by helping to regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the negative impact of sugar on your mood was key to reviving my mental well-being.

Introducing the Sugar Defender Supplement

Given the pervasive nature of sugar in our diets and its detrimental effects on health, finding a practical and effective solution is paramount. This is where the Sugar Defender supplement comes into play. I want to take a couple of minutes, as we come to the end this article to talk about this brilliant supplement formulated with all-natural ingredients. Sugar Defender is designed to help manage and mitigate the negative effects of sugar on the body.

Benefits of Sugar Defender:

  • Supports Healthy Blood Sugar Levels: The supplement aids in maintaining optimal blood sugar levels by reducing the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes & high blood pressure.
  • Promotes Weight Management: Regulates sugar absorption and cravings, Sugar Defender helps in weight management, prevents obesity, helping lower blood sugar.
  • Enhances Heart Health: The supplement’s ingredients support heart health by managing blood pressure and reducing triglycerides.
  • Improves Liver Function: Sugar Defender helps in preventing the build-up of fat in the liver, reducing the risk of NAFLD.
  • Boosts Mental Clarity: By stabilizing blood sugar levels, the supplement improves mood and reduces feelings of anxiety and depression.
  • Supports Oral Health: Reduces sugar cravings and intake, Sugar Defender helps maintain better oral hygiene, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Unlike other products on the market, Sugar Defender uses a scientifically proven formula —but more importantly all-natural ingredients to offer comprehensive health benefits. It’s not just another supplement; it’s my No.1 rated defence against sugar. For the reasons above, I am very passionate about this magnificent supplement.

Call to Action

Taking control of your health starts with making informed choices about your diet and lifestyle. Reducing sugar intake is a critical step towards better health, but sometimes dietary changes alone are not enough. The Sugar Defender supplement provides an additional layer of defence, helping you combat the adverse effects of sugar and support your overall well-being.

You can find out more about the Sugar Defender by 👉 clicking here.

That link will take you to the correct page. Please beware there are a lot of impersonators trying to sell a different or similar looking product; you’ll find the genuine product page on the link above and throughout this article.

I urge you to consider incorporating this into your daily routine. Protect your health, improve your quality of life, combat high blood pressure and lower blood sugar by taking a proactive stance against the hidden dangers of excessive sugar. Your future self will thank you.

Stay healthy, stay informed, and take the first step towards a sugar-balanced life.

Disclaimer: If you decide to purchase the Sugar Defender using the links in this article, you’ll get a discount. The small commission I may earn will help support my passion to write in-depth articles and informed product reviews backed by science & constant testing, enabling the general public to make more educated choices when supplementing their health.

Health is wealth,

Be your best,

Dr. Helena Avery.



Dr. Helen Avery

Nutritionist, HealthCare Professional, GP.