How Immersion In Moor Mud Will Help You Detoxify Your Fat Cells

Adam Farr
5 min readJan 15, 2019

“There’s more than one way to skin a cat” and yes, “All Roads Lead To Rome” but “if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

The structure of these euphemisms can be re-worded to describe the irrational approach many of us take towards fat loss. If I were to succinctly describe this irrational thought process through a comparable metaphorical statement, then I would say:

“There are many ways to lose weight, and all of them can work for some people, but if all you know about is a method (what seems to work) of fat burning, without understanding it’s mechanisms (under what circumstances it works), then you’re more likely to use an inappropriate approach to health (like calorie counting), that doesn’t address the root cause of your condition.”

Talk about a run on sentence. Hopefully, you’re able to wrap your head around that one, keep reading, and it will all make sense shortly…

Moor Mud: Many Mechanisms, One Method!

“Do you have trouble winding down after a long day, is your body plagued with the symptoms of toxicity like bad breath, stinky underarms, discolored sweat, and foul smelling bowel movements? Do you suffer from chronic migraines, muscle cramps, constipation and other conditions related to mineral deficiencies? How about your ability to fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up rested?

What if I told you that there’s a natural solution out there that would assist you in mitigating the root cause of all the symptoms as mentioned earlier. That’s right!

Believe it or not, immersing yourself in a hot bath with a small amount of dissolved moor mud for only 15 minutes a few times a week will do just that!”

Why is Moor Mud so Awesome-Sauce!

Alright let me step away from the TV infomercial skit above and get serious for a moment,

This simple substance has a lot of exciting benefits that stem from its many healing properties. The mechanisms of which are centered around its very high content of water-soluble compounds like humic and fulvic acids, organic plant enzymes, health-promoting minerals, and rare trace elements difficult to find anywhere else. All things your body wants, and needs! What’s more, you don’t have to drink it, because it will absorb through the skin!

Many of the “Redox Signaling Molecules” found within the mud increase your metabolic rate and will supplement any mineral or trace elements deficiencies you have, and that may be at the root of weight gain, illness or fatigue.

The substance has been used to treat a plethora of ailments ranging from joint pain and mobility problems like arthritis, hormonal imbalances like PMS, and toxicity problems like infection and immune suppression. Moor Mud helps to up-regulate the removal of toxic materials within the body that would otherwise sabotage your efforts to detoxify naturally and encourage fat burning.

The science is complicated, but the known benefits make it a choice tool in my arsenal of detoxification protocols for my fat, sick and tied clients.

A Short List of Benefits Incurred By Moor Mud Therapy Include:

  1. Up-regulates the Removal of Heavy Metals & Toxins In the Body
  2. Helps Aching Muscles Recover from damage
  3. Proven Anti-Aging effect and rejuvenated skin
  4. Anti-inflammatory properties
  5. Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Fungal & Anti-Parasitic Properties
  6. Relieves Pain & Soreness
  7. Breaks Down Fat Cells
  8. Reduces Cellulite
  9. Improves Joint Mobility
  10. Promotes Blood & Lymphatic Circulation

Moor Mud Therapy is especially useful for those suffering from Cancer, Osteo Arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and fibromyalgia syndrome.

The benefits mentioned above are especially useful for anyone wishing to get an edge that will help them push through any plateau in fat burning. I’ve also recommended it’s used for my clients with skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea because of it’s potent anti-inflammatory properties due to its anti-fungal action.

Suffice it to say, the sub-optimal function of any of the aforementioned regulatory processes of the body will play a contributing role to the genesis of what I call “Fat, Sick & Tired Syndrome.”

The Do’s & Don’ts of A Moor Mud Bath

The “Do’s”:

  • Make sure you’re well hydrated, because a hot moor mud bath will open up your pores like nothing else, and you’ll sweat profusely while immersed in the muddy water without even realizing it.
  • Run a Dry Skin Brush repeatedly all over your body to exfoliate the skin and allow for better absorption of the trace elements and phytochemicals that the mud contains.
  • Make sure your first bath is taken with someone nearby. For some especially toxic and dehydrated individuals, there is a risk of a rapid drop in blood pressure that may lead to dizziness or fainting in or around your bath. Drowning in a bathtub or banging your head on the toilet would be a silly way to die, and an embarrassing detail covered in your obituary.
  • Your first immersion should be 5–10minutes long at most.
  • Never take a moor mud bath more than two days in a row.

The “Don’ts”:

  • Don’t stay immersed in moor mud for longer than 15minutes, it is neither necessary, and it only increases the chances that you will have a herxheimer reaction of some kind from overwhelming and rapid detoxification.
  • Don’t take a bath more than 2–3x a week.
  • Don’t do it alone, especially if you’re trying this out for the first time.
  • Don’t consume any food within 3 hours of your bath.

The 5 Step Process:

Step 1:

Run a Hot Bath

Step 2:

Prepare 250ml of Moor Mud Mud by dissolving it in a water solution before pouring it into the tub.

Step 3:

While the bathtub is filling, prepare a place to lay down and relax completely nude. I suggest laying bath towels over your bedroom. Prepare to sweat profusely on the towels for 30–60minutes.

Step 4:

Keep 1–2 liters of warm water nearby; otherwise you will dehydrate very quickly. Drink all of the water as you relax. Don’t drink cold water.

Step 5:

If you feel lightheaded, get out of the tub immediately and rinse the mud off your body in the shower without using soap or shampoo.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at info@morphfit.com.

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Coach Adam Farr

Adam Farr is a Holistic Health Consultant & Body Transformation Specialist with over 15 years of experience working with men & women of all ages.

He as helped hundreds of people, from the general dieter who wants to lose weight, to the person struggling to manage the symptoms of their auto-immune disease.

