How to Choose the Right Strength Training Plan

2 min readApr 3, 2018


There isn’t one “best” strength training program. What’s best for you depends on your goals and preferences. You should choose a strength training program (why you should do strength training) that has the right attributes (e.g. set & rep schemes, exercise ordering & grouping, type and amount of cardio, rest times, etc.) to help you reach your goals.

CoachBot uses a 3 step Goals → Spectrum → Plan method to design the best strength training program for you.

The Goals

Identifying and setting your goals is important for success in the gym. CoachBot focuses on six core goals:

  1. Building Strength
  2. Trimming Fat
  3. Building Muscle
  4. Losing Weight
  5. Building Cardiovascular Endurance
  6. Lifting Heavier Weights

Based on the combination of goals you choose and some additional information, CoachBot will determine the best starting position for you on the Strength Training Spectrum.

The Strength Training Spectrum

CoachBot uses a broad spectrum of strength training program foundations ranging from traditional powerlifting to high intensity circuit training. On one extreme of the spectrum (traditional powerlifting), rest times are typically longer, set & rep schemes follow strict progressive overload patterns with an emphasis on low rep training, and additional effort is spent on accessory exercises to support the main compound lifts. As we move across the spectrum, rest times decrease on average, rep schemes are higher, and circuit training, with both aerobic and anaerobic exercises, becomes more prevalent.

Your Plan

After placing you on the spectrum, CoachBot factors in your schedule, experience, and preferences to create a personalized gym plan for you. As you progress CoachBot continually adapts your training plan and may even move you along the spectrum to ensure you are getting the best workouts. Your training program is one of 3,082,813,440 possible programs.

The Goals → Spectrum → Plan method guarantees that all aspects of your training program are fine-tuned for you. CoachBot handles the details, you handle the workouts.

Team CoachBot

