Photo by Hansjörg Keller on Unsplash

There Are No Shortcuts To Success

Coach Francois


I’m sitting across from my doctor, seeking relief from persistent aches and pains. Their diagnosis is straightforward: consistent sleep, regular exercise, and less sugar. I must take care of myself.

I could have Googled that. This is bull! The Canadian Healthcare system sucks.

Where’s the shortcut? 🏃‍♂️🌟

You can’t hack your way to health, you’ve got to set a goal, work hard, build confidence in the kitchen, grocery aisles and gym. You’ve got to be smart. Yeah — you’ve got to ask yourself the hard question: “Are you willing to put in the work?”.

Consistency beats intensity

My goal is to age gracefully and remain healthy. The solution isn’t drinking green sludge (AG1 anyone) with a side of Cadbury mini eggs. It’s listening to my boring doctor’s advice…

Your turn: What drives your desire for shortcuts?

The 30-day Medium writing challenge (150 words or less)

Day Two Prompt – Goal you desire to achieve



Coach Francois

I support new leaders, small business owners and mid-career corporate employees thrive.