30 Day Ab Challenge

Coach Nice
3 min readJun 1, 2023


Are You Ready For A Challenge?!? One that can reshape your body! Movies, magazines, television — littered with usually young people showing off their abdominals. It’s a great look, but the reality is it’s hard to obtain and maintain. For abs to show, a level of leanness must exist in a person’s body. Certainly, in adulthood, this requires a commitment to a high level of diet and fitness. This ab challenge is for 30 days, and these 30 days could change your physical and mental fitness. This is because of one thing — consistency. There are 30 days of ab workouts to supplement your existing routine. This is a progressive routine that gets more challenging as the month goes on. We’ve all seen those plank challenge memes where they start off on Day 1 doing 30 seconds of a plank and by day 30, you’re doing a 5–7-minute plank. HA! That is highly unlikely, but the idea is enticing.

Abs are resilient and can be worked daily. You already work them daily with the things you do in everyday life. But what you want to do is strengthen and stabilize them. Train them to kick in as you move your body to protect your back. You might even get or appear taller as your posture will improve as well.

I love indirect ab work with squats, presses, farmers walk, deadlifts, etc. You certainly get more bang for your buck doing indirect ab work because you get the benefit of improving other body parts at the same time.

If you want to have abs that pop, there’s no question that you must commit to an eating plan that allows you to lose fat. You’ll need to be under 20% body fat for your abs to show, men will need to be pushing 10% to have elite level abs. The average person probably needs to lose close to 50% of their current body fat to show abs. Speaking simplistically, you need to be in a caloric deficit to lose fat. In other words, your body is burning 2,000 calories (from your activity and just keeping you alive) and you’re eating 1,800 calories. In this deficit, you’ll be losing fat. Of course, it takes consistency over time to see the results. As a general eating guide, eliminate as much processed and fried foods as possible, cut significantly back on sweets and liquid calories. Focus on lean meats, veggies, fruits and water. Keep your protein between .8–2 grams per pound of bodyweight. Depending on how much fat you have will determine when your abs will start to show. No matter where you are currently, at the end of this 30 days, you’ll be closer to the number. Plus you’ll be stronger in your core, which is important.

This challenge will push you. If you are a beginner, I suggest cutting the reps and/or sets in half. If you are advanced, then add another set or more reps. The challenge is attached to this article as a picture. If you can’t read it, you can download a copy at www.efitphany.com. The picture and file should be adequate. I will offer the first 10 people that email me, 30-day access to our workout app. It’ll have the workout plan; videos of each exercise and a coach will keep you accountable for the 30 days — at no charge. Just email me at coach@efitphany.com and I’ll set you up within an hour.

Enjoy this challenge!



Coach Nice

Personal Trainer, Small Business Specialist. I write to make everyone better. I truly believe a candle is not dimmed by lighting another. www.efitphany.com