2 min readSep 26, 2023

Dialogue between the Cat & the crow
( the video shows a crow & cat on a balcony - talking )
The question asked was - ‘ What are they talking about? ‘
My answer - As humans, curiosity is our birthright- we always want to ‘know’ what the ‘others’ are talking about or doing! What are they talking about?
Is it about us? Are they complaining?
At first I thought they were complaining!
Probably about air pollution etc ..But then I realised that - I was just transferring what we ‘humans’ do all the time! How quickly we generalise and jump to conclusions .
The wiser me checked my conclusions to reveal -
I really don’t know what they are talking about and it’s ok ‘not to know ‘ !
Here is what this video can teach us if we are willing to learn-
How to have a dialogue with the seemingly difficult & different ‘other’ !
In a world where no one wants to talk about what really matters - they decided to have a ‘dialogue’ !
We need to learn some protocols of dialogue they have displayed!
1. You can put your point forward but allow the other person to speak .
2. Stay & sit where you are . Your voice is enough if you speak the truth with conviction.
There is no need to change your body language dramatically, stand or bang tables . Respect boundaries.
3. Keep it Short Stupid ( KISS)
Say whatever is relevant & be brief.
4. Delay your response- don’t be reactive-It’s a good idea to take a short walk, think and then speak up.
( watch the wise crow)Nine thoughts to a word .
5. Even if you are a cat , have the large heartedness to listen to what the birds are saying! Everyone matters ..
6. Even if you have wings to fly - don’t show off . For rapport building- behave in a way that is more understandable to the person you wish to have a ‘dialogue’ with. ( create similar tone and body language)
7. Don’t threaten ( purr) if you want a dignified conversation.
8. In the end, even if you don’t find a solution- stay cordial and promise to try again!
9 . The world would be a better place if we kept our mind open to learning from nature and animals- most of the time they give us the exact guidance we need for creating a better world!
Cheers 🥂 to ‘Nature Lovers’
Dr Shruti Dutt.


Dr Shruti Dutt is a Tedx Speaker, Healer, Life Coach and Best Selling Author of Self help Books. 'Change Your Story -Today!', and 'Badal do, Apni Kahani'-