Re-routing for Success

Tina Dias
2 min readOct 16, 2014


Posted on September 29, 2014

by TinaDias

It’s been awhile since I posted anything and that is because I have been busy, busy with great work (paying too boot) and very little development of my new program.

On the great work side, I have been facilitating some awesome coaching and great work workshops from Box Of Crayons that have consumed my time and allowed me to simply indulge in this new adventure as it is work that stirs my heart. I realize I adore facilitating when I truly connect with the material. Although every new program requires prep time and mastering of the content, I have thoroughly enjoyed myself through this learning process. This work has taken me to Atlanta, California, Connecticut, Montreal and lots of Toronto area work as well. I am loving it!

With respect to my program, I read more than 10 books over the summer only to find out that the information I really want to capture in my program I already have in my head, this because I learned some of it during my masters program and the rest I created. I have also renamed the program from I Am the WAY to Crack the SAFE. Pretty cool huh. Thanks to two people (Maya and Michael) who helped me brainstorm. This new name truly reflects its intention and wishful outcome, that those that attend, individuals and teams, are truly able to take a leap and leave what’s safe behind in order to live the story they want to, not the one written for them by others.

I will be resuming my research and program design mid-October to incorporate some new concepts and teachings to reflect researched work and my new ideas.

This break also allowed me to realize that I do not need rush into a program launch but rather have a purposeful program that has impact when I am ready to launch.

I have also been working with my web designer and friend, Jeff Hardy, on the design and content of my new website and blog. Therefore this will be my last post on this blog as I will continue to give you updates from my new online digs.

I hope you had a great summer.

