How Meditation Can Make You Successful — Coach Toby

Coach Toby
4 min readSep 5, 2023


Meditation is an ancient practice that we can use in our everyday life to elevate our creative awareness, our productivity and mindset. A lot of people don’t realize the power of meditation because most of us were never taught this in school or by relatives.

If you don’t yet believe that meditation can make you successful, then allow me to explain how it can be done.


  • Mental clarity
  • Increased energy
  • More positive mindset
  • Better focus
  • Creative thinking
  • Improved posture
  • Increased tolerance to pain
  • Deeper breathing
  • Discipline
  • Powerful imagination
  • Manifestation

Lets dive into some of these different topics. What would you say is one of the main determinator for longterm success? I would defintely say: discipline. Without discipline we lack the pillar for attaining success, and I believe the other pillar to success is focus.

If you have both discipline and focus, you can achieve almost anything you set your mind to. Meditation enhances both of these pillars.

Meditation teaches you to focus your mind on one specific thing for a set period of time. And by learning to focus for a set period of time, also develop discipline from the consistent practice. I would recommend that you meditate for at least 15 minutes per day. But preferably you want to meditate for 30 to 45 minutes a day. The benefits you develop from meditating might not appear instantly, however keep practicing and the results will follow.

The mental clarity I started to feel after 3 months of daily meditation is indescribable in words. Imagine the following…

Most peoples minds are like a storm of thoughts that never still, it’s raining and pouring causing them depression, sadness, mental fog and an inability to look at the bright side of life. By developing the habit of meditation your mind becomes clear like a blue sky with sunshine, your thoughts crystalize and you start to think happy thoughts.

“The quality of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts” — Marcus Aurelius

By taking control of your mind and emotions through the process of meditation, you gain power and control over your everyday actions. Instead of living out everyday life in an unconscious manner, you become the conscious creator of your everyday life.


Meditation does not only have mental benefits, you will also notice some extraordinary physical benefits gained from this practice. You will notice that you will develop a better posture, so you will breathe deeper and have more vital energy throughout your day. Meditation has also been proven to improve emotional balance, stability and generate a sense of peace. Imagine going through your daily life with energy, peace and happily creative thoughts. Doesn’t that sound good? Or do you want to keep living the same way you’ve been living for years?

The truth is, that if we don’t make a conscious effort to change our lives, we will continue repeating old unconscious patterns. Meditation gives you the liberty to choose the way you want to live, to calm your emotions and feel more peaceful.

Here are some of the physical benefits:

  • Improved stamina and endurance
  • Deeper abdominal breathing
  • Improved blood flow
  • Improved posture
  • Less back pain
  • Resistance to pain
  • A deep sense of vitality
  • A deep sense of calmness
  • A sense of lightness in the body
  • Improved leg flexibility


Since meditation allows you to visualize, you can start to see the life you want to live in your own mind. A lot of successful people visualize their success while mediating and find it much easier to start creating that success in their everyday life.

So the conclusion: through the process of meditation you learn to master yourself, you learn to know yourself. If you can sit quietly for 45 minutes and focus on your breathing pattern, you will find it much easier to focus for 45 minutes to 90 minutes on a business project. You will start to notice how you have more mental clarity, energy and creativity to achieve your goals throughout the day. The numerous benefits you gain from meditation: the discipline, the focus, the creative awareness and energy can be used for achieving the success you want in life.

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Coach Toby

I help people get really good at sales very fast, and I inspire others to elevate their lives and accelerate their online business to new heights.