An open letter to the College Democrats of America

Coalition of State Federations
4 min readJun 30, 2020


Black background with text: “An open letter to the College Democrats of America, from state federations”

Last updated at 3:41 p.m. MDT on July 1, 2020.

To the Executive Board of the College Democrats of America and College Democrats across the country,

Matthew Nowling should not have had to resign. The treatment Matthew described in his statement and in his testimony at the “town hall” by the current Executive Board was abhorrent and inexcusable. Matthew brought attention to the shared experiences of so many POC who consider themselves part of this organization — that the College Democrats of America leadership turns a blind eye to racism and classism in the national leadership. Real change in this organization is long overdue, and our coalition of state federations, standing with Matthew, have the following demands of the current Executive Board and asks of the National Council. If our immediate demands are not met, and commitments to reforms are not made by the national leadership within forty-eight hours, our federations will leave the College Democrats of America, cut all ties with the organization, and denounce it in its current form.

We demand the immediate resignation of College Democrats of America President Mikaela Guido. Additionally, we are calling on the rest of the current Executive Board to commit to not running for a position in the upcoming elections or any after and to commit to not accepting any appointments for national leadership.

We demand that the remaining members of the Executive Board do not proceed with appointments to fill vacancies until the National Council has the opportunity to review and extensively vet potential appointees.

We demand that the Democratic National Committee conduct independent election monitoring of the upcoming College Democrats of America elections and all elections after.

We are calling on the National Council to adopt amendments to the governing documents of the organization which include the following:

  • Giving the chairs of each identity caucus a vote on the Executive Board; and,
  • Creating an elected Executive Board position committed to inclusivity, diversity, equity, and accessibility and require them to present an action plan to the National Council early in their term; and,
  • Allowing federations to vote remotely to ensure that no federation is disenfranchised because they cannot afford to attend national conventions; and,
  • Requiring that all candidates for national office receive ethics and training on the election code of conduct; and,
  • Requiring that all national officers receive comprehensive diversity and inclusion training, sexual assault and bystander training, and ethics training; and,
  • Requiring that the Executive Board attend at least one National Council call quarterly; and,
  • Requiring the National Council approve the appointments of members to all committees on the recommendation of the Executive Board; and,

Reforms to the Committee on Ethics which include:

  • A standard for conflicts of interest; and,
  • Requiring that all Committee members sign legally-binding non-disclosure agreements; and,
  • Formalizing a relationship with the Democratic National Committee’s Human Resources Department; and,
  • Adopting a standard for issues, including sexual assault and harassment, which should be addressed to the Democratic National Committee, not the Ethics Committee; and,
  • A transparent process for filing complaints and bias disclosures, with easy access to forms and process details; and,
  • Processes for reporting anonymously, without fear of repercussions.

Further, we are calling on all those who will seek national leadership positions to commit to ensuring these reforms are enacted. None of the federations listed below will endorse any candidate who does not.

We invite other state federations to join our coalition.

In solidarity,

College Democrats of Ohio

Texas College Democrats

College Democrats of North Carolina

D.C. College Democrats

College Democrats of New York

College Democrats of Oklahoma

Alabama College Democrats

College Democrats of South Carolina

Virginia College Democrats

College Democrats of North Dakota

College Democrats of Maryland

College Democrats of Massachusetts

College Democrats of Louisiana

College Democrats of Minnesota

College Democrats of Indiana

Michigan Federation of College Democrats

College Democrats of Illinois

College Democrats of Delaware

College Democrats of Oregon

College Democrats of New Jersey

College Democrats of Rhode Island

College Democrats of South Dakota

College Democrats of Wisconsin

College Democrats of Arizona

College Democrats of Alaska

Pennsylvania College Democrats

College Democrats of New Hampshire

Maine College Democrats

College Democrats of Vermont

College Democrats of Mississippi

College Democrats of Washington

College Democrats of Montana

College Democrats of New Mexico

Florida College Democrats

College Democrats of Connecticut

College Democrats of Nebraska

College Democrats of Tennessee

College Democrats of Iowa

College Democrats of Puerto Rico

College Democrats of Arkansas

College Democrats of California

College Democrats of Georgia


J.J. Martinez, (Texas College Democrats), (915) 490–1646,

