Protecting Pompton Lakes; It’s Past Time

Mitchell Cobert
2 min readFeb 16, 2018


The investigative article from into DuPont’s decades long cover-up of pollution in Pompton Lakes and related government inaction was an alarming revelation to those not living in Pompton Lakes.

North deserves praise for bringing this deplorable situation to light. The people of Pompton Lakes deserve the right to have their voices heard. They must be given the health and economic assistance they clearly need.

The magnitude of the harm, both to the environment and to the health of the Pompton Lakes residents, warrants heightened EPA involvement and possible Superfund designation. The only acceptable resolution is for the residents to be properly compensated, the entire area cleaned up, and Dupont has to be held accountable.

There must be a full investigation to determine what laws were broken and how this cover up could go on for as long as it did. If any federal, state or local officials or regulators did not do their job, or improperly protected DuPont, then their names must be made public and those individuals held accountable.

The cycle of corruption by corporate special interests needs to end. Elected officials have an obligation to protect the citizens they represent, not the companies who donate to their campaigns. We cannot allow the welfare of Pompton Lakes residents to be bought, sold and ignored in favor of corporate special interests.

If elected, I pledge to be an aggressive advocate for the health and well-being of every Pompton Lakes resident and do everything I can to bring those responsible to justice. I vow to work to forge collaboration between environmental federal, state, and local government agencies and Pompton Lakes residents to establish the best solution for fixing this public health crisis.



Mitchell Cobert

Democratic Congressional Candidate, former NY Assistant Attorney General, veteran, and securities attorney bringing common ground and common sense to NJ-11.