What is a Media Kit and Why You Should Have One (No Matter What)

5 min readMay 24, 2022

If you’re a Content Creator you probably have gone through the trouble of having to organize your media kit. If you haven’t, you probably should have. A media kit is an essential tool if you want to collaborate with brands, kind of like a digital resume that shows your information, your work, metrics, your audience demographics, how many people you can reach, collaboration options, and of course, your pricing. Not having a good media kit can potentially hinder opportunities to work with companies, and not having one at all can detract your credibility.

Media kits are not just for when brands are searching for Content Creators to advertise their product, but instead, they can be vital for when Creators themselves want to grab the attention of prospective clients when they want to showcase themselves and pitch for a job they want to do. Even if you are just starting out and don’t get many responses back, a media kit serves as a way to raise awareness of your own personal brand and help you build connections. With that, it is easy to know why not having one can be detrimental for your business. In this article, we will go through every aspect that a Media Kit should contain, and how you can make one as appealing as possible for brands looking to hire Creators.

Essentially, media kits are a portfolio where influencers describe their services to potential clients and partners to connect audiences’ taste with brands and products. Their goal is to make brands’ job of choosing a Creator as easy as possible. Most of the time, in order to establish commercial relations with brands, Creators need the media kit to showcase their work, and they can do that by using different kinds of strategies. The strategies can range from adding their courses and certifications, showing the work they have done with other brands, to showing the number of views they get in multiple social media. There are a few elements every media kit should have:

  • A quick “About Me” section stating your interests, background, values, what you are passionate about
  • An updated number of followers on every major platform
  • Social media metrics, including average number of views per video, live streams or Instagram posts
  • Information about your audience (age group, gender, country)
  • Options for collaboration with you (videos, posts, reels, project reviews, product reviews, etc)
  • Pricing

Having these elements in a media kit is fundamental, since the brand can easily search and find the Content Creator that best fits their needs. This work can be tiresome for the brand though, since every Creator has a different media kit design, and some don’t put all the information needed, which can make the search not run as smoothly. However, we believe the best strategy for a Content Creator to stand out is by highlighting in the media kit their ability to communicate, interact and influence their community.

What differentiates Content Creators from celebrities is precisely their ability to have a close relationship with their fans, and this is what brands are looking for when they are searching for someone to advertise their product. In Latin America, the biggest internet consumer region in the world according to The Global Media Landscape, one out of three internet users in the region follows an influencer, and more than 40 percent of Brazilians report having purchased a product because a creator recommended it. This demonstrates the importance Content Creators have when it comes to marketing.

Successful Content Creators can become social influencers with a huge persuasive influence, and inspire people from all over the world to buy, use, or do something, way more than any governmental program, TV show, TV ad, celebrity or teachers at school could ever do. This happens because people usually see these Content Creators as being more relatable or perceived as an equal, “the boy or girl next door” that creates original content just for me, replies to my comments and appreciates my interactions, unlike multi millionaire celebrities.

Web3 can take Media Kits to a new level

Cobogo wants to give Content Creators the power over their own monetization and their communities. Cobogo strongly believes in the potential people can have when they come together. For that, Cobogo will be a platform where Creators can not only be monetized by their own community through our unique funding mechanism, but also where they can display their media kit and sell their services to high-quality clients in what we call the Media Market.

This Media Market is going to work as a showcase of the world’s best Content Creators enlisted in our platform, where all of their standardized profile pages will be displayed for every fan and potential client to see. Content Creators will have their profile page generated automatically when they onboard cobogo, which they will be able to edit once they authenticate it through the whitelisting process. With that, cobogo will match Creators with clients and project proposals, helping them sell their services at the same time it helps clients find the best Creators for their needs, without the exorbitant prices that agencies charge.

If you’re coming across cobogo for the first time in this article, cobogo is a protocol that has the goal of funding Content Creators sustainably through their own community. This is possible due to the unique staking mechanism based on Decentralized Finance (DeFi), that works by allowing Creators to deploy a staking pool, where their fans can stake tokens on, and both Creators and Fans split rewards in the form of a yield. With this new Media Market proposal, Cobogo gives a boost to the initial mission: to help Creators gain more power over their businesses, using Web3 to achieve that.

About cobogo:

cobogo is an aggregator of protocols that has the goal of funding Content Creators sustainably through their own community. It is a dApp that leverages Web 3.0 to monetize Creators while maximizing their growth and community building abilities.

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