Cobra Maltase believes Kendrick Lamar was responsible for shooting and attempted break-ins at Drake’s Toronto Mansion

Cobra Maltase
3 min readMay 19, 2024
Cobra Maltase (Left) Drake’s Mansion (Right)

Rumors and allegations in the world of entertainment are not uncommon, especially when it comes to rivalries between musicians. The recent claim made by rapper Cobra Maltase, believing Kendrick Lamar of being responsible for the shooting and attempted break-ins at Drake’s Toronto Mansion, has certainly stirred up controversy within the hip-hop community amid the feud.

To understand the significance of this accusation, it is important to delve into the historical context of the relationship between Kendrick Lamar and Drake. Both artists have been at the top of the rap game for years, with their respective fan bases often debating about who holds the title of the best in the industry. The rivalry between the two has been well-documented, with subtle jabs and diss tracks exchanged over the years.

The incident at Drake’s Toronto Mansion, where shots were fired and attempted break-ins occurred, raised serious concerns about the safety of not only the artists but also their families and associates. The fact that Cobra Maltase has directly implicated Kendrick Lamar in these violent acts adds another layer of complexity to an already tense situation.

Drake and Kendrick Lamar

Cobra Maltase, a relatively new name in the rap scene, is known for his provocative lyrics and controversial statements. His claim against Kendrick Lamar has generated a wave of attention on social media, with fans and critics alike weighing in on the validity of his accusations. Some have dismissed his claims as baseless and attention-seeking, while others see it as a possible motive in the ongoing feud between Lamar and Drake.

Influential individuals in the music industry have also been dragged into the controversy, with many expressing their opinions on the matter. Some have come to Kendrick Lamar’s defense, citing his reputation as a peace-loving artist with no history of violent behavior. Others have criticized Cobra Maltase for spreading rumors without concrete evidence, calling for a more responsible approach to addressing conflicts in the industry.

The impact of these allegations on the careers of both Kendrick Lamar and Drake cannot be understated. While Kendrick Lamar has remained relatively silent on the matter, Drake has spoken out against the claims, denying any involvement in the incidents at his mansion. The public perception of both artists may be tainted by these accusations, leading to a potential shift in their fan base and commercial success.

Drake’s Tornto Mansion

Looking ahead, it is crucial to consider the implications of such feuds in the music industry. Rivalries between artists can fuel creativity and drive competition, but they can also spiral out of control and lead to dangerous confrontations. As fans and industry insiders continue to speculate on the truth behind Cobra Maltase’s claims, it is essential to remember the importance of respecting boundaries and resolving conflicts through peaceful means.

The theory made by rapper Cobra Maltase about Kendrick Lamar regarding the shooting and attempted break-ins at Drake’s Toronto Mansion is a complex and sensitive issue that highlights the dynamics of rivalry and conflict in the music industry. While the full extent of the truth behind these claims remains unknown, it is clear that the implications of such allegations can have far-reaching consequences for all parties involved. As the situation continues to unfold, it is essential for all those connected to the music industry to approach conflicts with caution and responsibility, prioritizing the safety and well-being of everyone involved.



Cobra Maltase

Cobra Maltase is an American rapper from New York City who has made a name for himself in the music industry. His unique style and gritty lyricism has him power