I will be hospitalized tomorrow to give birth; only three things about giving birth in Japan.

3 min readNov 19, 2022


I gave birth to three healthy babies by natural delivery, but this time, I chose epidural labour because I thought I could not endure the pain again. I remember how hard the pelvis pressure was during the last minutes of the labour pains.

I will write about giving birth in Japan, only three things very simply.

  • 5–6 days hospitalization for almost all mom
  • General costs of Hospitalization and delivery
  • Maternity and Children Health Handbook

5–6 days hospitalization for almost all mom

Five-six days of hospitalizations are standard in the world? I do not know. It is a happy enough time for me to recover my body and remove concerns about the baby’s condition. One of the benefits is that we can be served great meals every day as mothers to feed our babies milk. Especially the first day is gorgeous, and we can choose menus even if we stay at university hospitals. ( Small clinics have more unique options like organics and handmade bread.) I like eating them wearing pyjamas, hahaha. I will post photos of the meals!

I know giving birth is painful and very concerning, but after this, I can be away from housekeeping and taking care of other kids for five days! I look forward to resting on the bed, waiting for healthy meals. I will bring a kindle for reading.

General costs of checkups, Hospitalization and delivery

check-up(before giving birth);

We can get coupons(discount vouchers) from the local city, and we use them, but they are not enough to cover, so we need to pay additional costs. It depends on your chosen clinic. These are some of my receipts. Paying out of my pocket is a lot.

How often do we have checkups?

(One checkup per month until your 23rd week)

(One checkup every two weeks from the 24th until the 35th week)

(Weekly checkups from the 36th week)

We can choose places for your maternity style.

General Hospitals / University Hospitals /Private Hospitals(Clinics)

Maternity Homes / your house

hospitalization and delivery ;

The average cost of childbirth is about 550,000 yen in my city. I will post my cost later after I give birth. FYI, this is one from the website where I will be hospitalized. However, families are given a “childbirth lump-sum allowance” from the government, which is ¥420,000 per child( It will be upgraded from Jan 2023). So, we only pay the difference in the total.

・Maternity and Children Health Handbook

We need to bring this book to all checkups, hospital visits, and after giving birth when a baby will get vaccinations or health checks. Doctors fill in on the mom’s condition and the baby’s development after birth. It seems like the history of mom and baby.

It’s a countdown until I meet my fourth baby, and my heart starts to beat.




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