Divide & Conquer

Cocktail Poetry
2 min readApr 19, 2019


Niccolo Machiavelli, a late 15th century political adviser and theorist brought up a key Latin term to describe breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.

“divide et impera” is cited as a common principle in politics by Traiano Boccalini in La bilancia politica. The use of this technique is meant to empower the sovereign to control subjects, populations, or factions of different interests, who collectively might be able to oppose his rule. Machiavelli identifies a similar application to military strategy, advising in Book VI of The Art of War (L’arte della guerra) a Captain should endeavor with every art to divide the forces of the enemy. Machiavelli advises this act be achieved either by making him suspicious of his men in whom he trusted, or by giving him cause that he has to separate his forces, and, because of this, become weaker.

This piece of history inspired this variation of a Mai-Tai by splitting three spirits that stand out on their own and tactically split them to coincide with one another in this cocktail.

Combining a spiced and over-proof rum of Sailor Jerry’s along with the complex, sweet and rich flavor of Black Magic Rum works perfectly to play along side the bitterness and herbal flavors of Campari. I added freshly squeezed Lime juice and Monin Orgeat syrup to give the taste profile for this cocktail a very full-bodied flavor of spiced, bitter cocktail with earthy and tart undertones.

Garnished with a mint sprig and burned cinnamon, the smell gives a smokiness taste on your palate upon first taste, which gives some patrons the belief that there is ginger inside as well.

All together, this Mai-Tai variation is a beautifully constructed, complex, fully formed cocktail that will give you a sense of power once finished.



Cocktail Poetry

Every cocktail has history, but they still have a story to tell.