DTBonjour 1.1.3

Cocoanetics 
1 min readNov 22, 2017


DTBonjour also needed to be refreshed for an old codebase I was reviving. The previous release 1.1.2 was also from almost 2 years ago. The update is tagged on GitHub was well as available via Cocoapods.

  • FIXED: Bonjour browser finds duplicate TXT records, name is now set as UUID
  • CHANGED: Sending now occurs on background queue
  • ADDED: tvOS support to the pod spec

I didn’t quite like the workaround with using the UUID, because if you leave it blank the system uses the device name. But I have to admit that I wasn’t actively developing on something using DTBonjour and so I believed the contributors assessment that this approach would be beneficial.

Thanks to MatthewCawley and scottcarter for their contributions to this release!

Originally published at Cocoanetics.



Cocoanetics 

iOS Developer, Trainer, Coach, iOS Tech Journalist and Speaker Wannabe. This is the professional account, the personal is @OliverDrobnik (German)