DTCoreText 1.6.26

Cocoanetics 
Jun 30, 2021


This is a maintenance release mostly fixing build issues.


  • FIXED: Some weak support issues
  • FIXED: Some warnings
  • FIXED: Enabled bitcode
  • FIXED: Missing weak for DTAccessibilityElement and view proxy
  • FIXED: [Demo] About VC didn’t set correct content inset
  • FIXED: Select correct fallbackFont with matching traits when multiple are available
  • FIXED: Check for default font
  • NEW: [Demo] Demonstrate dark/light mode adjustment on About Box

Thanks to Marcin Ugarenko for his generous contributions.

The update has been tagged on GitHub, pushed to Cocoapods trunk and is also available via SPM.

Originally published at Cocoanetics.



Cocoanetics 

iOS Developer, Trainer, Coach, iOS Tech Journalist and Speaker Wannabe. This is the professional account, the personal is @OliverDrobnik (German)