Coco Seah
3 min readFeb 19, 2019

I’m a single mummy of one. And I know a lot of people struggle with self-worth and I wish there was an easy answer to tell you it is enough to simply be alive, that being a person makes you valuable and will give you the self-worth that you want. But what you know is that’s bullshit.

At the end of the day you have to earn that self-worth.

There’s no way to stumble and fumble through life hoping that it will somehow add up to something that makes you feel good inside.

  1. Do you believe in yourself?
  2. 2. Do you know you can do it?
  3. 3. Have you put in the work?
  4. Because the reality is, to become someone that you respect… it doesn’t matter what the rest of the world thinks.
  5. You could very much have the love and adoration of every person on this planet and still hate yourself. That’s the conundrum.
  6. The only thing that matters is what you think about you. And the only way to get that, the only way to get to a life that is worth living, that you will judge as worthy is to put in the work. It’s to do the hard things.
  7. It’s to look at what you really want, to be honest with yourself.
  8. * What do you want?
  9. * Or are you afraid of what others think?
  10. * Are you afraid that you might fail?
  11. * Are you worried that you’re going to embarrass yourself?
  12. * Are you worried that you will achieve glorious heights only to fall?
  13. * Are those the things that govern your decisions?
  14. * Are those the things that keep you small? Are those the things that dictate the life you live?
  15. Because if they are, you’re that person that no matter how much other people love you you’re never going to love yourself because in your heart you know you could be more and there’s something in us, all of us human beings that pushes us to be the most we can be.

And if that’s true, if that is the meaning of all this then all the money and fame and recognition and adulation in the world doesn’t mean anything. That the thing that matters is you have potential and that you do something with that potential. You actually actuate it.

That is the obsession of my life. How much of the latent potential in me can I actually manifest into something tangible?

Remember, skills have utility. The only reason for self-improvement is to be able to do something with it, to create something with it whether that’s a song or a building or a child, it’s to create something that matters to you and in doing that, doing that and becoming the best version of yourself then you’re truly living a life worth remembering.

At the end of the day that is the only thing that matters: How do you feel about yourself when you’re by yourself?