What is supervised learning?

2 min readAug 4, 2022


Supervised learning is like learn a path already known, and use the knowledge for new paths. If you have data with correct outputs, It can be used for train a model, and the model can be used for predict to answers.

There are two main part of supervised learning.


It is like putting fruits that is same type to same pack. It separate a data to parts. The number of parts should be limited. The number of parts should not be continuous. In that kind of situations, we can use classification.


If you do not have limited chose, you have a regression problem. Basic example about it is house price prediction. House prices are continuous, so we should use regression algorithms.

Note: Logistic regression is a classification algorithm. It is kind a classifying a regression output.

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If a thing is about computers, probably it is in my field of interest. I cannot learn everything so I have sorted my interests, and first of the line is ML