The Fifth Industrial Revolution is Emerging. Here Are the Opportunities At Hand

Code and Theory
Code and Theory
4 min readNov 15, 2023


The fourth and fifth industrial revolutions are converging. This is creating many challenges, as well as significant opportunities, for brands. Anil Hari, Head of Data, Analytics and AI at Code and Theory, offers some key insights for brands planning for 2024 and beyond.

What is the biggest opportunity for clients?

In the milieu of the fourth and emerging fifth industrial revolution (5IR), coupled with the Machine Learning (ML), AI and data landscape, the most significant opportunity for clients lies in the transformative potential of these converging forces. This convergence enables clients to create a synergistic ecosystem where technologies from the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) amplify operational efficiency, while principles from the 5IR promote human-centric innovation — all energized by the predictive and analytical capabilities of the ML, AI and data landscape.

Clients can digitize and integrate their operations across the physical and digital domains. By leveraging advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things, AI, robotics and cloud computing, businesses can develop intelligent, automated systems that boost productivity and open new avenues for customer engagement and service delivery. As the 5IR concept evolves, it is expected to expand upon the 4IR’s achievements by emphasizing human-machine collaboration, personalization and sustainability. This shift offers clients the opportunity to deepen the synergy between human creativity and machine precision, leveraging AI to enhance human skills and foster sustainable, people-focused solutions. The Machine Learning, AI and data landscape further empowers businesses to streamline complex processes, extract profound market and consumer insights and conceive groundbreaking products and services previously unattainable.

This comprehensive approach paves the way for the development of agile, responsive, and sustainable business models, equipping clients to navigate and excel amidst the future’s challenges and prospects.

What do you think people aren’t thinking enough about data and AI as they anticipate for 2024?

As people prepare for 2024, a critical aspect of data that may not be receiving enough attention is the ethical use of AI and machine learning algorithms, especially considering the implications of the recent U.S. Executive Order on AI. The executive order signals a growing regulatory focus on AI that urges businesses to prioritize ethical AI practices, transparency and accountability in their AI deployments. Enterprises must also prepare for the possibility of new regulations and standards by investing in AI literacy and skills development within their workforce. This environment presents the perfect opportunity for businesses to lead in responsible AI innovation, aligning their strategies with emerging national policies and contributing to a competitive, yet ethically-grounded, technological landscape.

There are also significant concerns about how bias in data can lead to unfair and discriminatory outcomes. In areas like predictive policing, credit scoring, and hiring practices, biased algorithms could reinforce societal inequities.

Concurrently, there is escalating demand for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to power AI is set to push forward technological progress, yielding more advanced and capable processors. This demand could put pressure on supply chains, inflate prices and compel a move towards sustainable energy use to offset environmental costs. Moreover, the broad integration of AI across sectors is anticipated to transform job markets, necessitating a new wave of experts in GPU technology and AI systems.

What is the most common pitfall for companies right now as we enter the age of AI?

In the words of thought leader Bernard Marr, “AI is powerful, but it’s not a magic wand.” A common pitfall for companies diving into AI is overestimating its capabilities, which can create unrealistic expectations and lead to disappointment. Launching into AI without a strategic plan, a strong data foundation, or the necessary expertise can result in systems that underperform or deliver biased results. To truly harness AI’s power, companies must establish solid data governance, secure the right talent or partnerships, and commit to thorough testing and validation to guarantee the safety, accuracy, and reliability of their AI-driven solutions.

At Code and Theory, we provide expert guidance on developing a strategic AI roadmap tailored to a company’s specific goals, conduct readiness assessments and offer implementation support to ensure seamless integration of AI technologies with existing business processes and systems.

What is one actionable insight, businesses should act upon right away?

Enhance your digital customer engagement. With the increasing shift to online platforms, businesses should implement strategies to engage with their customers digitally by leveraging personalized communication and marketing automation. Implement this by using customer data to tailor emails, recommendations and offers to individual preferences and behaviors.

Additionally, adopt AI chatbots and responsive social media practices to provide immediate support and engagement. These steps will help create a more personalized experience for customers, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty. It will also drive sales, as customers are more likely to return to platforms where they have had positive experiences. We are currently collaborating with various customers to provide AI-driven recommendations for personalized experiences and AI solutions that align with their unique business needs.

What is the one thing you’d tell your younger self?

Stay strong and true to who you are, and never underestimate the importance of valuing the people around you. Embrace resilience; life will test you, but with each challenge, you’ll emerge stronger. Don’t fear failure; instead, ‘fail fast’ so you can learn quickly and move forward. Let your passion be the compass that guides you through life’s journey, lighting up your path and allowing you to inspire others along the way.

Anil Hari is Head of Data, Analytics and AI at Code and Theory.



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Code and Theory

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