9 Non-Traditional App Design Trends for 2023

Adnan Ghaffar
6 min readMar 8, 2023


Designers must ensure that your app’s interface, visual elements, and navigation align with your target consumers’ needs and preferences and make it seem appealing. It’s critical to stay updated with design trends to remain competitive and meet changing client wants in a market where revenue from mobile applications is predicted to reach $935 billion by 2023.

App Design

In this article, we’ve compiled the most well-liked app design trends from the previous several years, explained why you should use them, and examined how they’ve changed since 2021. Choose the ones that would best suit your needs at your leisure.

Why Should You Follow the Latest Mobile App Design Trends?

Creativity and intuitive design increase an app’s likelihood of success and brand awareness. Following the app development trends for 2023–2024, keep the following things in mind:

Attract Users

Design is one of the main factors that affect how people decide. Would they remove your app after utilizing it for a little time or return to it? Will users recommend this software to their friends? Will they post criticisms about it online? A bad design might lead to an outmoded user interface, first impression, and product presentation.

Lead Your Industry

Suppose your app has a user-friendly UI, rapid load speeds, and an appealing design. In that case, users are likelier to download it. You may beat the competition and retain clients by integrating your company’s unique brand with modern advancements in app design.

Encourage Users Of The App’s Functionality

Ensure your product’s design conveys the value it offers buyers because the first impression is always the last. Potential customers would go elsewhere if you spent thousands of dollars on top engineers to develop a solid application but cut corners on contemporary design. App design is crucial for a huge industrial company or a thriving video gaming start-up.

Mobile App Design Trends 2023

  • Split Screen Design

Although this mobile design trend is not new, its significance has increased. The most varied methods for implementing it has appeared in recent years. The most recent examples are smartphones with foldable displays; specialized apps are needed to utilize these screens fully.

A variety of options are available thanks to trend shifts for creating split-screen designs that are user-friendly. Its effectiveness is what appeals to people the most. Splitting the screen is a great strategy when a user needs to get two or more different types of information at once.

The same can be said about the content, which forces the user to decide on various options. You can examine all the information, compare it, decide, and go on rather than switching between several screens and memorizing the information (which is not why we use smartphones).

App Design

Uber is a great example, as is almost every other driving app. On a single screen, you can see your journey’s details, including a vehicle and driver, payment information, other choices, and the car’s location in real time on a map.

  • Limitless Imagery

The days of retail and e-commerce applications showing items inside a dull grid of squares are over. On the other hand, companies can employ infinite graphics to make objects float freely on the screen and fade into the background. Consumers will value being able to interact with your items by turning them or zooming in for a closer look.

For a more immersive experience, combine unlimited photography with AR technology to let customers view how your things may seem in their homes before making a purchase. Utilizing this trend will harmonize your product’s design and provide customers with a more consistent and useful Experience.

  • Asymmetry for Menus and Galleries

You may draw the audience’s attention to important elements and improve your brand’s identity by introducing asymmetry into your app design. For instance, using asymmetrical fonts and shapes on a website might make a product more enticing to customers if you need to sell it quickly.

Avoid the solid and polished patterns of normal apps in favor of more non-conforming pictures, sizes, and drawings to make your solution stand out.

  • Borders around the App’s Elements

By utilizing borders to separate various portions of your software, such as windows and icons, and by establishing a visual hierarchy to arrange the content better, you may provide your consumers with a more user-friendly interface.

To develop a visual language that communicates the values of your business, you may experiment with border designs, including dashed lines, dotted lines, straight joints, and rounded joints. You may utilize nostalgia to make users happy by using graphics resembling well-known user interface designs from the 1990s.

  • Abstract Geometry and Animations

Mobile app design in 2022 was all about simplicity and minimalism. Yet, the trend is moving away from spheres and circles and toward abstract geometric patterns in 2023. To provide your consumers with a more pleasurable and stress-free experience, you may utilize these patterns for images, backgrounds, and borders.

Like abstract patterns, the motion may influence how users perceive your program. Your imagination is the only thing stopping you from using eye-catching images to make the site’s navigation more straightforward or using strong, unique fonts to make your goods stand out.

  • Unusual Text Alignment

Experts will be less likely to use traditional copywriting techniques when designing application layouts in 2023–2024. Designers may provide users with an experience that is more interesting and memorable by experimenting with font size, white space, and letter placement.

Remember how crucial it is to refrain from using odd text alignment solely for novelty’s sake. To establish stronger emotional ties with your target market, your mobile UX design should be consistent with your brand’s identity, message, and values.

  • Multi-Directional Navigation

You might make the user’s journey more exciting and simple by using multi-directional navigation. For users to save time, add horizontal sliders to your app’s UI instead of forcing them to navigate up and down static menus.

This design is advantageous for applications and streaming services offering a wide content range. If you can display all of the content on a single page, the time a user must wait will be cut in half.

  • Layered Sheer Screens

If you want to develop a clear hierarchy on the page, make your solution stand out against a plain background, and make it appear fluid and dynamic, consider this trend.

Designers may use this technique to create a drop shadow on their text boxes and icons to help them stand out against their backdrops. This method is frequently used to create subtitles to make them easier to read.

  • Multiple Services Apps

In 2023–2024, this Asian tendency is anticipated to spread globally. These approaches combine several services into a single application. Super solutions frequently provide customers with a solid platform for communication, gambling, banking, cab services, and shopping.

Designers utilize vibrant colors and iconography to make outstanding apps understandable and user-friendly. Combining this trend with multi-directional navigation makes it possible to give customers a straightforward experience without overwhelming them with too many products and services simultaneously.

The list of future mobile app trends for 2023–2024 is as follows. These designs can be used in your application.

How Can CodeAutomation Help You To Build One?

You are now an expert on the newest trends in mobile app design. If you stay on top of these changes, your applications will be at the forefront of mobile UX design. However, keeping on top of the most recent design trends requires perseverance and understanding the significance of UX design for mobile applications because mobile app design trends are always changing.

CodeAutomation can assist you with this. CodeAutomation highlights the distinctive value of your concept and offers the finest user experience by utilizing the most recent trends in mobile app design. Our skilled design team is ready to assist you with your upcoming major project. We may work together to make changes or add new features to your mobile app development process.



Adnan Ghaffar

We are a QA automation and manual testing company that assists all types of businesses in improving their digital presence and performing technical work.