Migrating from AngularJS to Angular: Challenges and Best Practices

Adnan Ghaffar
6 min readApr 25, 2023


AngularJS was introduced in 2010 by Google, and it became very popular among web developers due to its simplicity and versatility. But with time, as web technologies evolved, AngularJS started to show its age. It was difficult to maintain large-scale applications and had limitations in terms of performance and features. In 2016, Google introduced Angular, a complete rewrite of AngularJS, and it addressed many of its shortcomings of AngularJS.

If you are still using AngularJS, it is time to migrate to Angular. But migrating from AngularJS to Angular can be a daunting task. In this blog, we will discuss some of the challenges that you may face during the migration process and some best practices to make the migration smoother.

Challenges faced during Migration:

Migrating from AngularJS to Angular is a challenging process that requires careful planning, preparation, and execution. There are several challenges that developers and organizations may face during the migration process. In this article, we will discuss the challenges of migrating from AngularJS to Angular in detail.

  • Syntax Differences

One of the most significant challenges of migrating from AngularJS to Angular is the syntax differences between the two frameworks. Angular uses TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, while AngularJS uses plain JavaScript.

TypeScript is more strongly typed and provides better support for object-oriented programming, which can be challenging for developers unfamiliar with the syntax. Additionally, Angular uses a component-based architecture, significantly different from AngularJS’s controller-based architecture.

  • Compatibility Issues

Compatibility issues with third-party libraries and modules used in the AngularJS codebase can also be a significant challenge during migration. Many libraries and modules used in AngularJS may not be compatible with Angular, requiring developers to find suitable replacements or upgrade them to their latest versions.

Additionally, Angular has several breaking changes from AngularJS, such as changes in how directives and services are defined, which can cause compatibility issues and require significant code changes.

  • Application Complexity

The complexity of the application can also be a significant challenge during the migration process. If the application is large and has several dependencies, migrating it to Angular can be time-consuming and challenging.

Developers may need to migrate the application to smaller parts or adopt a gradual migration approach to minimize the risk of disrupting the application’s functionality.

  • Lack of Expertise

Another challenge that organizations may face during the migration process is a lack of expertise in Angular. Migrating from AngularJS to Angular requires a significant change in technology and syntax, and organizations may not have developers with the necessary expertise and skills to perform the migration.

Training developers or hiring experienced Angular developers can be an additional cost for organizations, which may affect the overall migration process’s timeline and budget.

  • Testing and Debugging

Testing and debugging the migrated application can also be a significant challenge. Migrating the application to Angular may introduce new bugs and errors not present in the original AngularJS codebase.

Developers may need extra time testing and debugging the application to ensure it functions as expected. Additionally, debugging the migrated application can be more challenging than debugging the original AngularJS codebase, requiring developers to use new tools and techniques.

Migrating from AngularJS to Angular can be challenging, and developers and organizations may face several challenges during the migration process. These challenges include syntax differences, compatibility issues with third-party libraries and modules, application complexity, lack of expertise, and testing and debugging. Developers and organizations can ensure a smooth and successful migration process by being aware of these challenges and following best practices.

Best Practices for Migrating from AngularJS to Angular

  1. Plan and Prepare

The first and most critical step is to plan and prepare for the migration process. Create a roadmap for the migration process and break down the tasks into smaller achievable goals. Prepare a checklist of tasks that must be completed before and after the migration process. Some of the tasks that need to be considered during the planning and preparation phase are:

  • Evaluate the application’s architecture and identify the parts needing migration.
  • Evaluate the third-party libraries and modules used in the AngularJS codebase and check if they are compatible with Angular.
  • Evaluate the development team’s skills and provide training if necessary.
  • Prepare a timeline for the migration process and communicate it to all stakeholders.
  • Choose the Right Migration Strategy

There are two primary migration strategies — a complete rewrite and a gradual migration. A complete rewrite involves rewriting the entire codebase from AngularJS to Angular, while a gradual migration involves migrating the application into smaller parts.

A complete rewrite may be best if the AngularJS codebase is outdated or has several performance issues. However, it is time-consuming and requires a significant amount of effort. A gradual migration may be the best option if the application is large and complex, and a complete rewrite is not feasible.

2. Upgrade Third-Party Libraries and Modules

Upgrading all third-party libraries and modules to their latest versions, compatible with Angular, is essential for a smooth migration process. If a library or module is not compatible with Angular, it must be replaced with a similar one that is compatible with Angular.

It is recommended to upgrade the libraries and modules one by one and test them thoroughly to ensure they are working correctly. It is also essential to ensure that the upgraded libraries and modules do not conflict with the AngularJS codebase.

3. Refactor Codebase

Refactoring the codebase and removing obsolete or deprecated code is essential for a successful migration process. This will not only make the codebase more readable and maintainable, but it will also improve the performance of the migrated application.

During the refactoring process, it is essential to identify and remove any unused code, update the syntax to Angular’s standards, and follow the best practices and guidelines for writing code in Angular.

4. Test and Debug

Testing the migrated application thoroughly is essential to ensure it functions as expected. It is recommended to use automated testing tools like Karma, Jasmine, and Protractor to test the application.

Debugging any issues that may arise during the migration process is also crucial. It is recommended to use debugging tools like Chrome DevTools to identify and fix any issues.

5. Train Developers

Providing training to the developers to help them learn the new concepts, syntax, and tools used in Angular is essential. This will help them adapt to the new framework more quickly and reduce the learning curve.

The training can be provided through online courses, workshops, or one-on-one sessions with experienced Angular developers. It is also recommended to provide developers with resources like documentation, best practices, and guidelines for writing code in Angular.

The final verdict:

In conclusion, as a tech company, CodeAutomation understands the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest technology and frameworks. Migrating from AngularJS to Angular can be challenging, but with the right planning and execution, it can also be a valuable investment in the long term.

During the migration process, developers and organizations may face challenges such as syntax differences, compatibility issues, application complexity, lack of expertise, and testing and debugging. However, these challenges can be mitigated by following best practices such as conducting a thorough analysis of the application, adopting a gradual migration approach, using automated tools for code conversion, and providing training to developers.

At CodeAutomation, we believe that staying up-to-date with the latest technology is essential to providing high-quality services and solutions to our clients. If you plan to migrate from AngularJS to Angular, our team of experienced developers can provide the necessary expertise and support to ensure a smooth and successful migration process.



Adnan Ghaffar

We are a QA automation and manual testing company that assists all types of businesses in improving their digital presence and performing technical work.