Building Your Own Email Subscribe Widget with Laravel

Christian Nwamba
7 min readJan 22, 2018


In the world we live in today, emails play an important role in communication. Companies use it to interact with their users and send out campaigns to have a wider audience reach. At some point, you may want to make your own platform that allows you to send messages to your subscribers on demand. This article covers exactly that.

Setting Up the Backend for Mail Sending

Before you can start sending emails, you need an email provider and in this tutorial we are going to be using Mailtrap. Mailtrap is a fake SMTP server built to allow development teams to test, view and share emails sent from the development and staging environments without spamming real customers.

Follow this link to signup

Once you’re signed in, you can access your inbox and get your details there.

Configure .env

Now that we have all the details we needs, the next thing we need to do is to edit our environment variables to contain your MAIL_USERNAME and MAIL_PASSWORD .

We also need to set our database which we are going to be using which is sqlite . In the .env , we set our DB_CONNECTION, create a databasse.sqlite file and then add a link to the database.sqlite file as the DB_DATABASE.

To create the database.sqlite file, run in the root directory of your project :

touch database/database.sqlite

Then add the following to your .env . The DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD do not matter when using sqlite

Update Configuration to Assign Driver

You also need to set the MAIL_DRIVER to smtp to help make let Laravel know that you are going to be using an SMTP server to handle sending your emails

Database migrations for Subscribers

After setting up our application to use Mailtrap to send mails, the next thing we want to do is to create the database migrations for the Subscribers. Here we create the subscribers table and also specify what fields our table with contain. We create a new migration by running the command :

php artisan make:model -m Subscribers

What the above does it that we make a model for our subscribers and pass the -m flag to specify that a migration should be made for the new model. This is equivalent to running :

php artisan make:model Subscribersphp artisan make:migration create_subscribers_table

Subscribers Model

The subscribers model is simple. In here, we specify the mass assignable values and make use of SoftDeletes. SoftDeletes in simple terms is basically telling your database not to fully delete rows in the table but rather set their deleted_at fields to the actual time the delete command was run. This in turn omits the row from being shown in further search results. Our Subscriber.php model looks like this:

and the migration file looks as follows:

After the migration file has been set up, we run the migration by running the command:

php artisan migrate

Application Routes

In this application, we have 5 simple routes :

  • / route is the landing page for the app and it shows the users a friendly welcome screen.
  • /signup route takes the user to the page to Subscribe to receive updates
  • /savesubscribers route accepts POST data from the form on the signup page and then sends it to the subscribe action of the SignUpController
  • /compose route is for the owner of the platform to create content for the email he/she is wants to share to subscribers
  • /send route accepts POST data containing the message to be sent and passes it to the send action of the EmailController

Signing Up & Emailing New Subscribers

Now that you have all your routes set up, you’ll need to set up the logic behind the signup and emaling of our new subscribers. To properly implement this, create a controller for this.

php artisan make:controller SignUpController

The SignUpController has two methods :

signup() and subscribe() . signup() renders the a view for the user to enter their details to subscribe and subscribe() contains the logic.

In the SignUpController.php , we have:

Lets critically examine the signature of the subscribe function:

We have as a parameter a SubscribeRequest object. Now you may be wondering what the SubscribeRequest is all about. To allow us validate the data being sent to the SignUpController , we created a FormRequest and this is done by running:

php artisan make:request SubscribeRequest

in the SubscribeRequest.php, we have the following:

As we see above, we set some of the rules required for the request to be accepted in the rules(). Once all the rules are met then we move back into the controller.

Now going back to the subscribe function of our SignUpController. At this point, you don’t need to worry about the content of the $request so we first create a Subscriber object which belongs to the Subscriber model we discuss earlier, then you save it to the database with the →save() method:

Now, the next step is to send a mail to the subscriber letting them know that they have successfully subscribed to your platform. To do this, you make use of the Mail facade provided by Laravel. You pass the blade template which in our case is the email.subscribed and any variables you want to send when compiling the template. You also need to specify who the message is from and who you are sending to which is seen below.

Afterwards, you redirect your use to the signup page with a status message letting the use know that he/she is successfully subscribed.

Sending Mails to Retrieved List of Subscribers

Here, we want to send emails to our list of subscribers. To do this, we create a controller to handle the sending of mails to the subscribers list. We call our controller the EmailController and we create it by running the command :

php artisan make:controller EmailController

Our controller has two main functions : compose() which renders the view for the admin to create the message to sent in the email and send() which handles the logic of sending the mails to the subscribers.

The EmailController looks as follows:

Now lets examine the signature of the send() function

It accepts the an object of the SendRequest class as a parameter. The SendRequest class is responsible for validating the form data that is send from the admin dashboard and it looks like this:

We specify the validation rules in the rules() function of the SendRequest class.

Now going back to the send function of the EmailController. First, we fetch all the subscribers we have and then send the mail to all of the subscribers using the Mail Facade. We pass the blade template and the name, title and content as the parameters for generation of the view.

Implementing Queues to Defer Email Batches

Ideally, the method above works; but when we take into consideration the efficiency and the run time of the application, the normal Mail::send() may not work all the time. There is a need to implement queues in your application to make your sending of emails more efficient.

So now, we are going to use Mailables with queues. To create a Mailable, we run the command,

php artisan make:mail CampaignReady

now in the CampaignReady.php , there’s a couple of things that need to be done :

When have 3 public variables declared in the class :

  • Subscriber - The subscriber
  • title - The title of the mail
  • content - The content of the mail

We then create a new message instance

And then finally build the message itself

Now at this point, the CampainReady mailable is set. To use it, we go back to our send() in the EmailController and adjust it to this :

Notice that we are using Mail::queue instead of Mail::send.

We have to run the listen command on the queues before they can be dispatched:

php artisan queue:listen

In production, it is not advisable to use listen because of it's high CPU usage. It is better we use work and pass the --daemon option:

sudo nohup php artisan queue:work --daemon --tries=3

Building the Frontend

The Base Layout Our base layout looks like this :

We import bootstrap and jquery which we would be using for fronted styling and we also yield our title and content which other templates that extend this layout would fill!

Create The Signup View

Create a blade template for our signup view. Lets call it signup.blade.php.

In the signup.blade.php , we extend our base layout and then have a form that accepts the subscribers : First Name , Last Name and Email Address

Compose Page to Send Emails The compose blade template is quite similar to the sign up . Our blade template looks like this :

We accept the title and message as form fields and then send it to the /send route to handle the data as we have seen above.



In this article, we have seen how to create your own email platform using Laravel and Mailtrap’s SMTP server which has alot of applications in the real world. Here’s a link to the repository . For more review.

