Right Now — Wrong, Later: Immediacy Vendors

CodeBlue Technology
3 min readOct 12, 2017


Close enough.

“A fence that goes up fast, falls down fast.”

I read that in a book called The One Thing by Gary Keller, it’s an old Amish proverb. Gary’s book teaches the path to exceptional (extraordinary) results. It resonated with me a great deal.

Technology has always been about serving a need. It does so with tools. Business tools that are used day in and day out, unflinchingly until their predictable mechanical end. Technology services companies spend countless hours every day pouring over the newest available tools, time saving solutions and noteworthy manufacturers. We do so for the sole purpose of value.

That value is measured in much the same way you would evaluate your general practitioner during a medical exam. Do they offer suggestions based on your current health? Do they advocate for your desired health level? Or do they give you whatever is in the top drawer and hope it doesn’t hurt you?

We’re talking about consultation. In a market flooded with vendors of immediate products, very few solve for the long-term. Why is that? for 3.5% of what you paid. The transaction. Not the relationship, the understanding of impact, not the support afterwards. The volume.

What are some of the pitfalls shopping in the market of technology alone?

  1. Price is what you pay, Value is what you get. — Immediacy vendors traditionally ship products purchased in bulk. This means an unbeatable price for technology that may be a year or more old before you get it.
  2. Warranty or Warning — All warranties are not created equal. Most manufacturers, let alone vendors, require you to ship your entire product back to the maker to receive repair work. This, after 2 hours on the phone with support, IF the default warranty isn’t already expired. Certified re-sellers receive accreditation for support and repairs, along with distribution support for returns. All of which is handled by CodeBlue.
  3. Apples and Oranges — Very frequently, specifications of hardware are presented in generic descriptions (i5 Processor, 500GB Storage, Windows OS.) There are more than 1500 different combinations of these specs that would render an experience ranging from truly abysmal to pleasingly powerful.
  4. Condition and Grade — Off-the-shelf computers, sold in retail outlets are sponsored products. That means the hardware manufacturer has employed third-party software makers to off-set the production costs. They pre-load your new machine with non-essential software that takes up processing power and storage space. Worse, if ignored and not removed, these applications can create security holes in your system. If deployed into a business environment, these factors become exponentially more hazardous.

The right tool for the job

Consumer-grade technology is made for low-traffic, low-impact use. It’s produced and priced for low to average use over the coarse of its lifespan. That lifespan is dramatically shortened if the equipment is pushed beyond its intended use. This applies to networking, computers, tablets, storage and security.

Business-grade technology conversely is made for high-impact, long-term yield in production. These products require sizing and consultation for full value but share generally more success over a longer lifespan. They come with business-appropriate software and expected expandability. They are meant to be left on and running 24/7. They carry support that makes sense for the usage.

Immediacy is a business. Where time is the perceived value, it carries the unintended consequence of wrong fit and finish. Effectively reversing its intent, costing you time and money to correct.

Our staff of Solution Advocates are grateful to guide anyone through this decision and sourcing process. Please contact us today at 804–521–7660 or sales@codebluetechnology.com

This Blog is written by Michael Bergamo — Senior Technologist and Brand Advocate at CodeBlue Technology.



CodeBlue Technology

CodeBlue Technology is creating technical solutions for the Mid-Atlantic area and loving every minute!