CodeClowns Origins

2 min readApr 3, 2024


The name “CodeClowns” bit us harder than a snapping turtle with a force greater than 300 Newtons. It was just another late night of engineering, the clock striking 4 in the morning. The room was packed, with one group coding away while another watched the classic film, “The Dark Knight”. We were all huge fans of Christian Bale as Batman, but what truly fascinated us was Heath Ledger’s portrayal of The Joker.

Each of us in the room had aspirations of building businesses, with most leaning towards tech companies. As we worked towards this goal, we were eager to learn new technologies and apply them to solve real-world problems. The timing couldn’t have been better, with the market buzzing with new unicorns emerging every month. It was only a matter of time before we launched our own company, but we hadn’t yet identified the specific problems we aimed to solve. However, we were certain that it would be a deep tech company, unlike anything India or the world had seen before. Our goal was to develop top-notch tech products for everyone on the internet.

Returning to that seemingly random night, as we coded away with Heath Ledger’s voice echoing in the background, someone muttered “CodeClown” — combining “code” from coding and “clowns” from The Joker. In that moment, we exchanged knowing glances, each sporting a grin reminiscent of Heath’s iconic Glasgow smile. It was decided: our first company would be named “”. And thus, our startup journey began, filled with countless adventures and challenges.

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