Moonhack 2019 Data Breakdown!

Code Club Australia
Code Club Australia
3 min readAug 3, 2019

What a year! Moonhack in 2019 was so exciting! There were lots of extra challenges for us — mainly that July 20 was on a Saturday! But we had such a great time! And it was all because of you!!!

We saw so many wonderful Code Clubs, Coder Dojos, Raspberry Jams and Classrooms celebrating Moonhack all over the world!

People sent us photos of their kids moonhacking, examples of their Scratch projects and shared their Moonhack certificates with us. Some people adapted the content for their kids — adding princesses, or previous Moonhack projects. The excitement was contagious in our global community of coders and it didn’t stop!

We’ve put together some fun data for you (or maybe it’s only fun for us). Check out who participated and where below!

A big thank you to Telstra for partnering with for Moonhack 2019! And to all of you for being awesome coders!

Look forward to Moonhacking with you in 2020!

Nicola, at Moonhack Mission Control

This year we had 24,000 kids participate in Moonhack projects from all over the world!

60 different countries, including Malawi, Iraq, Macedonia and Ghana. As well as someone who Moonhacked on a cruise ship!

48% of our Moonhackers were girls! Including 196 all-girl groups!

We had lots of parents coding Moonhack projects with their kids — 50%.
And the second biggest group of adults were school teachers!

29% of participants were part of a Code Club! (If you’re not part of one yet, remember there are lots of training options to help get a club started in your local community. And we’re always here to help!)

Here’s a list of some of our favourite entries. Have a play of these Scratch and Python games from this year’s Moonhack:

Luke’s Moonhack

DVLibrary Moonhack

Mars Lander on Python

Dragon’s Moonhack

Check out these smiling faces who participated in Moonhack this year!

Meriden Primary at their Moonhack Event
Meriden Primary
Code Club Baghdad celebrating after Moonhack
Code Club Baghdad
Coding princesses in Melbourne
Coding princesses in Melbourne
Girls coding at the Coder Dojo Indiana Hackathon on July 20
Coder Dojo Indiana Hackathon



Code Club Australia
Code Club Australia

Code Club Australia is a nationwide network of free coding clubs for children aged 8–13.