AI: Friend or Foe? How to get future proof without getting fired

Dhruv Singh
5 min read1 day ago


A machine hand and a human hand trying to connect with each other through AI.
Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash

The words Artificial Intelligence, or AI, sound like they were plucked from a sci-fi movie. It sounds like robots are going to run rampant and steal all our jobs away, or even the world. The fact is that AI already plays a role in our lives many of us are not even aware of! From requesting Alexa to play your favorite tune, all the way to Netflix recommendations for a movie you’d absolutely adore to watch next, AI is humming away in the background. We can only hope it is getting better every single day. But the big question here, is AI friendly or enemy?

In this article we will delve into the AI universe and see what the heck it means to us humans — at work. Is it something to be scared of or is it something that we could use as a competitive advantage?

SPOILER ALERT: It is somewhat of a friend!

AI And The Workplace: The Future Is Now But Not Over

A woman using AI at her workplace.
Photo by Beasterenchen on Pixabay

AI as a Job Killer — It has been a hotly debated topic of discussion for quite a while. And for good reason — AI is taking the jobs of tasks that a human would normally be paid for, like data analysis, customer service and many more. So should we all go panic and prep for the end times? Not really. The key thing to understand here is that while AI will change the way we work, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to leave us jobless.

AI is great at repetitive tasks, crunching numbers, and processing huge amounts of data faster than any human ever could. But it’s not so good at creativity, emotional intelligence, or critical thinking. These are the areas where humans still reign supreme! Think of AI as a supercharged assistant. It can take care of the mundane, time-consuming tasks, giving you more time to focus on the things that really matter.

For instance, let’s say you’re a marketer. AI can analyze customer data, predict trends, and even suggest the best times to send emails. But only you can come up with that clever campaign idea that resonates with your audience. AI can’t replace human intuition, empathy, or imagination, and that’s why humans and AI working together can be a powerful duo.

The Real Threat: Fear of AI, Not AI Itself

One of the important threats AI introduces is not that it’s going to lead to job loss — it’s that we’re fearful of its capabilities. A fear of the unknown can cause people to be reluctant about learning about AI or adopting new technology, and it’s this lack of understanding that poses the major threat. The workplace is in a state of change, and adapting oneself will lead to success. Those who resist? Not because of AI, they might get left behind, since they didn’t seize the opportunity to learn to use it.

Think of artificial intelligence not as a foe, but as a tool. Just as computers first entered the office mainstream. To begin with, there was a fear that computers would replace people, however, they actually improved productivity and offered new employment resources. The same phenomenon is happening right now with AI, but it’s happening faster!

Coming to the question of how can we use AI to our benefit

How do you make sure that AI supports your goals and doesn’t hinder them? Here are a few simple steps to get ahead of the game:

  1. Learn the Basics: You don’t need any expertise in technology to grasp AI. Abundant resources that cost nothing, like online lessons and tutorials, can offer the essential knowledge. Understanding the basics will give you confidence and boost your understanding of how AI correlates to your respective industry.
  2. Embrace Automation: In any case, whether you relate to being an entrepreneur, a student, or a knowledgeable expert in any field, AI is able to facilitate task organization. Tools including AI scheduling assistants, systems for generating content, and chatbots that help with customer service can greatly save time and simplify the work you do.
  3. Stay Creative and Critical: Artificial Intelligence is able to process data, however, it finds it hard to innovate. Target skills that are unique to humans, like creativity, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking. In a world dominated by AI, these are what you consider your superpowers.
  4. Stay Adaptable: As the workplace is progressing, flexibility is of utmost importance. As AI makes further strides, it’s time to be ready to welcome not just new skills, but also new roles. Look at this as a moment to expand rather than something to fear.
  5. Collaborate with AI: Create collaborative prospects with AI rather than competition. AI plays a role in helping writers research faster, obtain inspiration, or polish their work. If you’re in sales, AI can provide assistance in your study of customer behavior while also delivering personalized suggestions for your pitches.

The Future is Coming and It Looks Good, If You Are Ready

AI isn’t going anywhere. The truth is, it’s only going to get better integrated into our lives and workplaces. When applied properly, we can all work smarter with AI instead of harder. It can release us from the monotony of daily routines, boost productivity and may even introduce us to interesting areas where we might work next!

It’s high time that we welcome AI and not fear it. We must keep informed, flexible and focus on the uniquely human skills to ensure that AI only works WITH us and not AGAINST us! I am not saying that this is a man against machine situation — it is actually about human and machine working side by side to shape a mutual-beneficial future for all. So, the next time you hear someone say, “AI is taking over,” remind them that it’s not about losing jobs — it’s about transforming them. With the right mindset and skills, you can ride the AI wave and come out on top!

Thank you for taking out your precious time and giving it a read!😊

