What is SEO?
SEO is a set of rules that determine how search engines rank websites. These rules are meant to provide a way for sites to be easily found by people who are searching on the internet.
The goal is to have your site come up in the top 10 results when someone enters a specific keyword. Search engine optimization (SEO) can help you reach that goal.
How to make an SEO Article for Beginners
Writing an article can be daunting for beginners, but if you know how to follow SEO rules, the process becomes much easier. In this blog post, I’ll provide a few tips on how to make an SEO article for beginners.
The Importance of the Title of Your Post
Your title is your opportunity to get noticed. It’s the first thing people see when they’re looking for something online, so it needs to be attractive and clear. You want your title to provide just enough details about the content of the post — without giving away all the good stuff.
The best way to do this is by using keywords. Include them in your title, but don’t overdo it by throwing in every single one you can think of. You want readers to get curious about what you have to say, not get scared off by an excessive number of keywords.
For example, “the importance of SEO” instead of “how SEO works”. Sure, both will tell readers that you’re talking about SEO strategies, but one will sound more inviting than the other.
Writing for Humans not for Search Engines
Like the world of dating, business is an attempt to attract potential customers and make them fall in love with your brand. That’s why your logo is a profile picture in the matchmaking world. This will make people interested and want to know more about you. Your logo will affect the first effect you will have on customers: it will provide information about your brand and show whether they fit or not.
Since your logo is so important to your brand, we must strive to make our digital web the greatest benefit and at the same time accommodate their largest volume of potential customers. Like any other company, outsourcing SEO services provides the way
Making your content Readable and Relevant
Believe it or not, content is everything. It’s what people will read and search for. In order to rank high on Google, you need to have a relevant piece of content that is also easy to read. This is why it’s so important for your content to be readable and relevant!
Your content should be 200–300 words long and keyword rich. To make your content readable, use a lot of lists, subheadings, bulleted lists, and text formatting. Make sure that the keywords are in the first paragraph of the article as well as in the title tag!
You should also try to include a mix of long-form articles with shorter blog posts. Short blog posts are great for driving traffic to your site because they can typically be shared more easily on social media. They also make good lead magnets because they come at a low risk/high reward ratio.
In this post, we’ll cover six reasons digital marketing is important to your business. Keep reading to learn more about why it’s time for your business to adopt an online marketing strategy!
In order to rank better in the search engines, you need to take a strategic approach to your SEO strategy. With an understanding of how search engines work and what they look for, you can create content that will be relevant to your target audience and rank higher in search engine results. Creating a well-written article is the first step. What are you waiting for?
Example for Best SEO Article :
#1 10 Template Blogspot Premium SEO Adsense Responsif
#2 Cara Monetisasi Blog Menggunakan Alternatif Selain Adsense
#3 Cara Promosi Blog & Produk Menggunakan Easyhits4U Traffic Exchange
#4 Cara Membuat Sitemap SEO Premium Blogger
#5 Cara Membuat Contact US Form di Blogger
#6 Cara Menggunakan Google Adsense untuk Pemula
#7 Cara Cek Nama Domain Menggunakan SEMrush
#8 √ Cara Melindungi Blog Dari Bahaya Auto Visitor
#9 Cara Melindungi Adsense Pada Blog Dari Bahaya Boom Click
#10 Cara Membuat Alat Parse HTML Coverter Di Blogger
#11 10 Manfaat Menggunakan RSS Feed Pada Halaman Blog
#12 Multiple Function Web Tools (MIFET)
#13 √ Kumpulan Kode Tag Snippet Script Blogspot
#14 Kumpulan Template AMP Blogger Terbaik
#15 Tombol Chat WhatsApp Bentuk 3D Cube Keren Banget
#16 Code Box Auto Copy To Clipboard Premium Responsive
#17 Amazing Manfaat Kopi Hitam Bagi Kesehatan
#18 Cara Membuat Kotak Subscribe Blogger
#19 Terjawab ! Ini yang Terjadi pada Manusia Jika Tewas di Luar Angkasa
#20 Widget KURS VALUTA ASING Pada Blogspot
#21 Manfaat Tanaman Obat Keluarga (Toga) Seri 1
#22 Kamu Harus Tahu ! Definisi Satuan Kilogram Baru
#23 Memasang Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Pada Blog
#24 Manfaat Tanaman Obat Keluarga (Toga) Seri 2
#25 Cara Pasang Widget ASTROLOGI Online Lengkap Terbaru
#26 Template Blogspot Premium Edisi Ambyar
#27 SNES Emulator Android Terbaik Pilihan Editor
#28 Penulis Blog Dan Secangkir Kopi
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#31 Cara Pasang Download Box Counter Super Keren
#32 Cara Memasang Anti AdBlock di Blogger
#33 Begini Jadinya Jika Karakter Wonder Woman Diperankan Denise Milani
#34 Golden Milk Minuman Sehat Tradisional Dari Dapur Sendiri
#35 Blogger Social Media Content Locker
#36 15+ Template Minisite Landing Page Blogger Super Mantab
#37 Ini Perbedaan Antara Asteroid, Komet dan Meteor
#38 Cara Menampilkan Peringatan Untuk Non Javascript Browser
#39 Cara Cerdas Mendatangkan Ribuan Pengunjung Organik Blog
#40 Cara Melindungi Google Adsense Agar Tidak Terkena Banned
#41 Cara Pasang Related Post Otomatis Untuk Blogger
#42 Cara Cepat Mancing Receh Dari Internet
#43 Kumpulan Template Company Profile Blogspot Premium
#44 Cara Baru ! Membuat Efek Lipatan Kertas Halaman Blog
#45 Model Alexandra Corneille Menggunakan Kostum Batgirl
#46 Update! Kumpulan Link RSS Feed Website
#47 Cara Mengatasi Header Widget Feed Yang Sering Hilang
#48 Kumpulan Widget Astrologi Modern Beserta Penjelasannya
#49 Solusi ! Mengatasi Iklan AdSense Yang Tidak Tampil
#50 Widget Animasi Ikan Hiu Pada Halaman Blog
#51 Cara Pasang Tombol Add to Blogger Dengan Animasi Bubble
#52 Cara Membuat Widget Blogger Jam Analog Super Unik
#53 Cara Membuat Widget Statistic Blog Super Keren
#54 Cara Membuat Widget Blogger Jam Digital Spiderman
#55 Cara Membuat Title Otomatis Pada Widget Archive Blog
#56 Solusi ! Cara Mencari HP Android Yang Hilang
#57 #Update Informasi Harga Emas & Perak Terkini
#58 Cara Mengganti Cursor Mouse Pada Halaman Blog
#59 5 Cara Agar Tidak Malas Melakukan Hal-Hal Positif Ini
#60 Cara Membuat Background Bergerak Pada Halaman Blog
#61 Cara Pasang Widget CCTV Blog Super Keren
#62 Model Bianca Beauchamp Menggunakan Kostum Super Girl
#63 Kumpulan JavaScript Unik Paling Dicari Pengguna Blogger
#64 Kumpulan Modifikasi Script Google Translate
#65 #Keren ! Tombol Share Facebook Menggunakan Animasi Spiderman
#66 Aplikasi Web Launcher Blog Untuk Perangkat Android
#67 Kumpulan Template Blogger SEO Responsive Edisi SANTUY
#68 Cara Mudah Memasang Galeri Instagram Pada Halaman Blog
#69 Cara Alternatif Menampilkan Widget Google FeedBurner
#70 Tampilan Unik CBOX Chat Blogger Versi Gratis
#71 #Update Informasi Komoditas Tambang & Minyak Bumi (Crude Oil) Terkini
#72 Cara Membuka Domain Blog Yang Diblokir Oleh Facebook
#73 Template Blogspot Toko Online Responsive Premium Terbaik
#74 Ikon Berbagi Sosial Media Animasi Mobil Bergerak
#75 Update ! Menggunakan Video Youtube Sebagai Background Blog
#76 Template Blogspot SEO Responsive Professional Premium 1
#77 Kumpulan Widget Blog Tentang Informasi Traffic Pengunjung
#78 Template Blogspot SEO Responsive Professional Premium 2
#79 #Update Optimasi Kode SEO Meta Tag Lengkap Khusus Blogger
#80 Template Blogspot SEO Responsive Professional Premium 3
#81 Widget Popular Post Blogger Dengan Efek Animasi 3D Cube
#82 Rumus Hukum Gravitasi Universal Newton
#83 Widget Popular Post Blogger Dengan Efek Animasi Slider
#84 Template Blogspot SEO Responsive Professional Premium 4
#85 Cara Alternatif Membuat Related Posts Matched Content Ads
#86 Emulator PS1 Cara Setting ePSXe 2.0.5 PC Tampilan Grafis HD
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#88 Cara Praktis Merubah Tema HTML Biasa Menjadi Template Blogspot
#89 Cara Membuat Safelink Untuk URL Blog Sendiri
#90 Update ! Cara Buat Iklan Link Tautan Adsense
#91 Cara Membuat POPUP Notifikasi Keren Pada Halaman Blog
#92 Cara Membuat Widget [Baca Juga] Versi CodeFlare
#93 Suatu Pagi Di Antara Tuhan Dan Seekor Lalat
#95 Cara Main Game PS2 di PC / Laptop Spek Jangkrik Lancar Jaya
#96 Ilmu Fisika Tentang Hukum Kekekalan Energi
#97 √ Kode Lengkap Anti Copy Paste (Copas) Pelindung Artikel Blog
#98 Super awesome blogger landing page minisite template
#99 Blog Post Comments Dofollow High DA PA
#100 Gawat ! Kartu SIM HP / Ponsel Anda Sudah Bisa Dikloning
#101 This is what it would be like if the Wonder Woman character played by Denise Milani
#102 Pemenang Undian Giveaway Bulan November 2020
#103 Cara Membuat Daftar Isi untuk Artikel Blog dengan Fitur Auto Melayang
#104 Model Bianca Beauchamp in Super Girl Costume
#105 Cara Menggunakan Organic Hits Traffic Exchange
#106 5+ Template Blogger Minimalis Super Premium
#107 Cara Memasang Bookmark Blogger Pada Halaman Blog
#108 Kumpulan Template Safelink Blogspot Premium
#109 √ Cara Membuat Widget Profil Blogger Zuper Keren
#110 Model Alexandra Corneille in Batgirl Costume
#111 Membuat Tampilan Style Timeline (Linimasa) Komentar Blogger
#112 Cara Pasang PopUp Fun-Fact Hadis Harian Populer
#113 Cara Memasang Loading Screen Pada Halaman Blog
#114 Cara Mengatasi Adobe PhotoShop Tidak Bisa Save for Web (Legacy)
#115 Memasang LiveScore & Statistik Sepak Bola Pada Halaman Blog
#116 Widget Blog Menampilkan Kutipan (Quotes) Secara Otomatis
#117 Denise Milani : Photo Collection 01
#118 Monica Ardhea : Photo Collection
#119 Cara Bikin Galeri Foto Super Premium
#120 Denise Milani : Photo Collection 02
#121 Cara Mudah Membuat Efek Zoom Pada Gambar
#122 Cara Bikin Bingkai Foto Dan Gambar Polaroid Dengan Kode CSS
#123 The Book of Denise Milani : Photo Collection Part 3
#124 Bermain Game Nintendo Wii dan Gamecube Menggunakan PC
#125 Cara Memasang Kustom Domain (my.id) Untuk Blogspot
#126 Cara Membuat Tombol Download Dengan Waktu
#127 Widget Kurs Mata Uang Kripto (Cryptocurrency)
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#130 Cara Memasang HTML5 Game Online Untuk Blogger
#131 ! Kriteria Khusus Agar Blog Lancar Diterima Google Adsense
#132 Cara Memasang Animasi Semut Pada Halaman Blog
#133 Proxy Online
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#140 Cara Membuat Sumber Link Otomatis Saat Artikel di Copy Paste
#141 CodeFlare Award
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#143 12+ Rekomendasi Bisnis Online Mudah Hampir Tanpa Modal
#144 Cara Membuat Widget Blogger Profile Plus Fitur Animasi Lucu
Thus the list of best SEO articles, hopefully the information presented can provide constructive positive benefits.