How To Beat Procrastination

Zvonko Biskup
2 min readDec 29, 2021

So, how to beat procrastination? Is it even possible?

You have a deadline approaching, and are aware that you need to work on the task at hand, but those YouTube videos and PlayStation games are just so much more appealing? Don’t worry, you are not the only one, a lot of people are dealing with this problem.

Let’s see if few tricks we will mention below will actually help beat procrastination and start recognizing it in earl stages or when it is disguised procrastination.

Get Up and Move — they say this helps, you changed the scenery … but for me, it just makes other things interesting, like long walk, or coffee in a local bar, anything but work …

Set Up Reminders — yes, it reminds me I should work, but I am already aware of that… not helping

Wake Up Early — yes, it helps to get a clear head by the time I actually want to start working, but no, doesn’t help me a bit, as then I start doing other things but with clear head

Time Blocks — this semi-works for me, but often times I got distracted by questions during that time blocks and everything goes to hell…

I am not saying that these tips do not work, I am just saying, they don’t work for me. Some of those are pretty great, like read these 30 quotes to stop procrastination…well, I am now reading quotes, still not working 🙂

Some of the tips are really silly, like sell your TV or cut your internet while working…

The 5 minute rule on how to beat Procrastination (this works for me)

This is not something I invented or something, but it seems to work on me.
Basically, you start to work on a task at hand for 5 minutes and if you don’t like it, just STOP.

The thing that happens to me, I just keep going, as I overcame the biggest obstacle and it is behind me — I STARTED.

This helps me get going without interrupts, nothing can stop me now.

You can read more on my blog:

