Code Green
7 min readFeb 11, 2022



Banner by World of Women


We have some exciting news to share!

Our first digital art drop, in partnership with WORLD OF WOMEN on the theme — WOMEN & CLIMATE — has so far secured an impressive 84ETH (approx $260,896.44USD)!

First of all, we’d like to thank the 12 incredibly talented artists who generously contributed their art in support of this powerful cause. And of course to the WoW team & the WoW community, who have believed and supported us since Day 1.

The artists have generously donated 70% (so far 49,09ETH approx $151,800.00USD) of their proceeds to women-led solutions along the GREAT GREEN WALL — an African-led initiative growing an 8000 km green corridor across the Continent to improve the lives of millions of women on the frontline of climate change.

A young woman works the land along The Gambia’s section of the Great Green Wall, in the Upper Niumi region.

The charitable drop, which launched on the margins of the World Economic Forum — is currently live on SuperRare, with just 4 art pieces remaining and the potential to raise an additional 34 ETH for incredible climate solutions! Please visit the SuperRare feature page of the drop, and take a look at the incredible pieces of art that are still available!

banner of the Women&Climate auction — artwork by Yam Karkai


Proceeds from the auction are being equally divided between 3 grassroots networks, to help advance women-led solutions to grow the Great Green Wall.

1.The Global Shea Alliance (GSA) — a non-profit association that promotes the vital role of the shea tree as a critical source of income to the livelihoods of 16 million women across Africa. Our contribution will help support two women shea communities in Mali and Burkina Faso with the following impact-driven activities:

  • Tree Growing: 2,000 shea trees and 4,000 native trees will be planted and nurtured in the two communities, with training provided to ensure that the trees can survive and thrive helping to support local livelihoods
  • Natural Regeneration Trainings: 160 women from local cooperatives will be trained in natural regeneration — a low-cost technique in which farmers select, protect, and manage young shrubs and seedlings that they want to keep on their farms. This technique is well adapted to shea parklands, in which most trees are a “semi-domesticated” species, that have been protected by farmers for centuries. Because natural regeneration can cover a variety of species, this intervention also enhance biodiversity on the parkland
  • Parkland Management Trainings: Finally, the same women beneficiaries will be trained on parkland management, including bush fire management, parasite control, and pruning, to ensure that both the regenerated trees as well the newly planted trees can survive.
The Shea tree provides new economic opportunities for women in Burkina Faso and Mali through value chains linked to the regional and international markets.

2.Great Green Wall Frontline — a movement rooted in The Gambia that champions people-powered solutions in delivering the Great Green Wall. Our donation will help support two local NGOs — Green-Up Gambia and Tresor Women Warriors to promote women-led restoration activities across the country. This includes:

  • Growing 60,000 seedlings across 5 regions, as a key contribution to land restoration activities in implementing the Great Green Wall across The Gambia
  • Supporting the expansion of a ‘Green Schools Program’ reaching more than 1,600 students across 60 schools. Secondary school students will receive hands-on training to educate a new generation of eco-conscious leaders across the country to sustain the Great Green Wall vision
  • Establishing an alternative livelihood skills program for women, which will support 2000 rural women charcoal producers and dairy farmers to transition into more sustainable means of earning livelihoods promoting micro-enterprises that reduce deforestation
  • Climate Change Education program: To ensure community ownership and longevity of these programs, beneficiaries of the above activities will be provided with educational and technical training in the priority areas of agroforestry, forest management, habitat restoration, entrepreneurship, and climate change. The program will reach more than 1,000 women beneficiaries.
The Green Schools Programme is helping to educate the next generation of changemakers about tree growing.

3. Our final network is’s Uplink Challenge for the Great Green Wall & the Sahel that are spearheading innovative approaches to implementing the Great Green Wall’s epic vision.

We are currently in the process of selecting the specific projects of this network, based on a rigorous vetting process and will announce the recipients in the coming weeks. As with all our projects, this selection is based on the following criteria:

  1. Relevance — Does the project promote women-led climate solutions?
  2. Organizational status — Is the organization locally rooted with an annual turnover of less than $2 million?
  3. Impact Focus — Are the primary beneficiaries women and girls/women-led projects?
  4. Innovation & Boldness — Is the solution audacious? Is it doing something new that hasn’t been done before?
  5. Effectiveness — Is there a track record/working prototype to show it is a proven solution?
  6. Scalability — Is there scope to upscale the impact and share learnings?
  7. Measurability — Can the project goals be easily measured and tracked?
  8. Transparency — Is the operational model fully transparent?
  9. Inclusivity & Diversity — Is the team diverse with a record of promoting inclusivity in the workplace?
  10. Storytelling — Is there the possibility to communicate with the team of the project, build a trustworthy long-term relationship, and share with our community the story of the impact that our support is having on the project?


On top of channeling resources from the art drop into women-led climate solutions, we have offset all associated emissions to become carbon net-negative.

Our NFT drop had a carbon footprint of approx. 4.8 tonnes of CO2.

This calculation was made based on the total number of transactions (98) on the SuperRare platform. With each transaction equating to approximately 48kg CO2 (using the estimation of NFT transactions by Memo Akten), therefore making a total of 4704kg CO2, which we have rounded up to 4800kg CO2 to ensure we are offsetting more than we emitted as part of the auction.

Our footprint has been offset through PLAN VIVO (using the offsetting platform powered by C Level), an internationally recognized framework for carbon offsetting that supports local communities and the ecological integrity of the places they live.

Through Plan Vivo, we are supporting the HADZA YAEDA VALLEY PROJECT in Tanzania, a recipient of the 2019 United Nations Equator Prize, which works to reduce deforestation and protect more than 30,000 hectares of forest, while promoting the land tenure rights of local people to their ancestral homes.

Hadza Yaeda Valley, Tanzania

Here you will find the certificate by C Level about our offsetting transaction.


We are so excited to announce that as a way to reward our partners, we are currently working on the first CodeGreen PODP (Proof of Donation Protocol). This is a special NFT badge that serves as “proof of donation & support”. We will airdrop this unique badge over the next seven days to the wallets of the 5K WoW holders, and the 12 artists that participated in the auction.

Finally, we are thrilled to announce that Code Green is working in collaboration with The World Economic Forum and Uplink to create a second official video related to the auction. This video will focus on the follow-up to the drop, including more information about the beneficiary projects, and the real impact they will have in helping to grow the Great Green Wall across Africa. On the day of the video release, we will publish another medium article giving more details about the tracking of the donations, the budgets, goals, and additional information about the people we are supporting with your help!

Check out the first video created around the launch of the auction.

Here is the link to the CNN interview about the auction, feautirng Inna Modja and Yam Karkai.

So…exciting times are ahead for us frens — we can’t wait to share more of what we are cooking up for the future in the coming weeks..!

Please, don’t forget to follow us on Discord, Twitter, and Instagram to be regularly updated on our news, campaigns, etc.




Code Green

We are a non-profit organization, leveraging the power of art, NFTs and decentralized technologies to help communities fighting for social & climate justice.