How To Access Instagram Account Details using OSINTGRAM On Kali Linux (2021)

Code It
3 min readJun 15, 2021


Notice: For Educational purpose only.

Remember, any illegal and unethical use of this program falls on your head. Do not try this if you have any intention of causing harm to others.

Before we start, ensure you have the following requirements:

If you are in it to learn penetration testing, then follow these steps:

1. Download OSINTGRAM

Osintgram is a program that performs analysis on any Instagram account.

Open terminal and change directory to desktop by typing:

Cd Desktop

type in the following command to start downloading:

git clone osintgram

Basically, we are download directly from Github and storing it in osintgram directory.

2. Installing OSINTGRAM:

Next, change the directory to Osintgram, typing:

Cd Osintgram

Install all of the following requirements from the requirements file by typing:

Pip3 install –r requirements.txt

After its completed, its time to run the program:

3. Running Osintgram:

Before running Osintgram, Navigate to the Config folder, type in your Instagram username and password on the respective line, and save the file.

Return to terminal and change directory to config:

Cd config

Next, Create the following files with in the config directory by typing the following commands:

Echo “<Instagram_username>” > username.conf

Echo “<Instagram_password>” > pw.conf

Echo “{}” > settings.json

<Instagram_username> — replace it with your Instagram username inside the double quotes

<Instagram_password> — replace it with your Instagram password inside the double quotes

Next, return to the main osintgram directory by typing the following:

Cd ..

Finally, lets run the OSINTGRAM command:

Python3 <username_target>

<username_target> — the Instagram username you want to find information about

4. Instagram account information:

Before displaying the account information, let’s get the list of all commands we can use by typing:


Now that we know the commands to use, let’s get the account information. On the “run command” line type:


Let’s go a bit further down the rabbit hole. Let’s download 2 pictures from this profile. Type in the following command:


And type in the quantity you wish to download.

After the download is completed, navigate to the osintgram folder, and you’ll find the photos in the output folder.

So there you have it. Just navigate around the commands to get the hang of it.

Lesson To Learn:

- Always private your personal account

- Ensure GPS location is disabled before taking a photo or else the photo metadata will store your location as well.

- Remove photo details before posting on Instagram. Check out this blog on how to do so.

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Thank you for reading.



Code It

10+ years experience in ethical hacking and penetration testing. To learn ethical hacking, go to