What is Logistic Regression

Aamir Kalimi
2 min readAug 15, 2023


Imagine you have a magical box that can tell you if a fruit is an apple or an orange. You have a bunch of fruits, and you want to know if each fruit is an apple (1) or an orange (0).

Logistic regression is like a magical way to use the features of the fruits (like color, shape, size) to make predictions. It’s as if the magical box draws a line on the features to separate apples from oranges.

The magic box uses a special formula called “logistic function” to calculate the probability of a fruit being an apple (the chances of it being 1). If the probability is more than 0.5, the box says it’s an apple; if it’s less than 0.5, the box says it’s an orange.

For example, if the probability of a fruit being an apple is 0.8, the box is quite confident it’s an apple. But if the probability is 0.2, the box thinks it’s more likely to be an orange.

Logistic regression helps us classify things into two groups (like apples and oranges) based on their features. It’s like a magical tool that uses probabilities to make smart decisions and sort things out!

In summary, logistic regression is like a magical box that predicts if a fruit is an apple or an orange. It uses features of the fruit to calculate probabilities and then decides if it’s an apple or an orange. It’s a magical way to classify things!



Aamir Kalimi

Senior Software Engineer | Machine Learning and Data Science Expert | Building end-to-end solutions that leverage data-driven insights to deliver business value