Penghui Li
2 min readNov 27, 2023

Golden Mean

I’d like to take a moment to share with you an extraordinary concept that has been shaping minds and lives for centuries. It’s a theory from someone you might have heard of – he’s called Aristotle. 🏛👴

In the grand tapestry of his philosophies, one stand-out concept is the idea of the ‘Golden Mean’ or the Doctrine of the Mean. This isn’t about being average or settling for mediocrity. Rather, it’s about finding that sweet spot between two extremes, the balance that gives life its richness and depth. It’s about understanding that virtue lies in moderation and harmony, rather than in excess or deficiency. 🌿🌓

Imagine a tightrope walker. To successfully cross the rope, he must maintain a perfect balance. If he leans too much to the right or left, he risks falling. Just like him, we too must navigate our lives, finding that perfect balance in our actions and emotions. This ‘middle way’ is what Aristotle referred to as the Golden Mean. ⚖️🚶‍♂️

Let’s take courage as an example. On one end of the spectrum, there’s recklessness. On the other end, there’s cowardice. But the Golden Mean, the ideal state, is courage. It’s neither rushing into danger without thought, nor running away from it, but facing it with equanimity and wisdom. 🦁💭

This philosophy can be applied to all facets of our life – our ambitions, our relationships, our personal growth, our emotional health. It’s not about suppressing our feelings or desires, but about expressing them in a balanced, healthy way. It’s about understanding that the world isn’t black or white but a spectrum of colors, and the most beautiful shade is that of balance. 🌈⛅

Sometimes, we might tilt towards one extreme. And that’s okay. We’re all human, after all. But it’s important to recognize this and strive to return to the balance, to the Golden Mean. Because that’s where true virtue and happiness lie. 💖✨

#Aristotle #GoldenMean #Philosophy #Wisdom #Balance #Moderation #Harmony #Virtue #PersonalGrowth #Mindfulness