Code N Kids
2 min readSep 16, 2021


Build your own robots with Code N Kids

What kid doesn’t love Iron Man? His gadgets, the suits, Jarvis. What’s not to love about Tony Stark? Every kid dreams they had their suit to wear and jet off to fight bad guys.

We’re not there yet where you can buy a functional Iron Man suit but we’re probably headed in that direction which is robotics. Machine learning, artificial intelligence and automation is everywhere around us and these will shape our future in the years to come without an iota of doubt. So, the question arises: how do you learn about robots?

Easy. You learn by the basics. By understanding the fundamentals of robotics and with modern technology and internet, it is now really easy to learn how robots work and how to build your own robots at home.

Amazon’s Alexa is a wholesome example of artificial intelligence in motion, the moment you place your order for your favorite spatula at Amazon Prime there are sophisticated and calibrated robots who make sure that your order is packaged, dispatched and delivered to you within an hour.

Automation has defined how our lives will be in the coming years and as parents of future generations, there is a significant need to encourage them in learning about how robots work.

Children who learn about robots are better at solving complex issues later on in life because their critical thinking capabilities have been honed in with years of practice and focus on machine learning and coming up with ingenious solutions.

Children have a natural knack for building things out of sheer imagination and their ideas are based entirely on what they’ve absorbed from their daily surroundings. They see problems in an entirely different perspective than we do as adults which allows them to bring out unfiltered yet genius solutions.

Now imagine when you introduce your kids or teens to how robots work and they can learn right at the comfort of their home. This has a twofold effect: one being that they start seeing how they can build robots with their own ideas and share it with other people and it channels their curiosity and creativity into creating these machines.

At Code N Kids, we teach kids robotics with live and engaging classes under your observation and with our trained instructors explaining how building robots can be fun and educational. Your kids may not it now but give it a few years and they’ll be making robots for complex situations and by then, it’ll just come natural to them.

