What is Software?

Rishav Mandal
4 min readOct 5, 2020


What is Software? Let’s get some knowledge about softwares and its stuffs.

What is software?

Software is simply a virtual tool, that helps us in many essential works. We can’t touch or feel software. We use many software in our day-to-day life in many works. Software is just like a god for everyone. Because different kinds of software can do a lot of things, that we can’t imagine.

The software can be used in different workplaces such as Home Workplace, Office Workplace, Military Usages, Space Science Usages, Engineering Usages, Financial Usages, and many more.

How Softwares are developed?

Softwares are basically a piece of code. Wait.. what is code now?? Codes are the programming languages developed by great computer experts. There are many programming languages that are available such as

i.) C, C++
ii.) C#
iii.) Python
iv.) Java
v.) Ruby

By using any of these programming languages, we can develop any kind of software we want.
We need to learn programming languages in order to develop software. Software developers are highly qualified persons. Nowadays, companies are hiring more software developers because of the trending of the Digital India Initiative by Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji.

For example:
We need to make software which adds two numbers. I am using Python to demonstrate the example:

a = int(input("Enter first number: "))
b = int(input("Enter second number: "))
result = a+b
print(“The addition of two number is: ”, result)

The addition program is ready now, this software will as you two numbers, then it will show the addition result.
So like this, you can develop any kind of software.

Types of Software

There are mainly 4 types of softwares are available.

1. System Software
2. Programming Software
3. Application Software
4. Driver Software

1. System Software:

System Softwares are the base software of every other software. What does it mean?? It means, System Softwares are required or needed to run other types of software. System Softwares are also known as Operating System, which is the OS. If you don’t know, what is an OS, so OS is major computer software, which installed at first in any type of computer in order to use the computer’s full functionality.

We know that Computer has many parts to operate, such as ejection of CD-ROM, Read — Write Data to Hard Disk, Process management, Installing other computer peripherals like, printer, scanner, speakers, etc. These tasks can not be performed without the help of an Operating System.

OS / System Software Example:

a.) Microsoft Windows → Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, etc.
b.) Linux and all it’s Distributions → Red Hat, Kali Linux, Fedora, Mint OS, etc.
c.) MAC OS → OS X 10.11: El Capitan, macOS 10.12: Sierra, etc
d.) Android OS → Android KitKat, Android Lollipop, Android Pie, Android Nougat


i.) We cant install other software without System Software.
ii.) We can’t manage processes without system software.
iii.) We can’t install any other Peripherals without System Software.
iv.) We must install System Software first to use the computers full features.

2. Programming Software:

Programming software is the software, that writes other software. Did not understand?? See, Softwares are basically a virtual tool that is written in a particular programming language. Now, if we don’t have any kind of software tool which can write software codes in order to develop, so how can we develop software.

So, in this situation Programming Softwares are developed to develop other software. Programming Softwares are nothing but an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). We use this kind of software to write codes and develop software.

For example:

i.) Microsoft Visual Studio
ii.) Netbeans
iii.) Visual Studio Code
iv.) Eclipse
v.) Android Studio

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Credits (Author: Rishav Mandal)



Rishav Mandal

IT Engineering Student. Interested in Tech. Tech Geek. I am also a Software Developer, Blogger and YouTuber. I believe in learning continuously new stuffs