Dare Shonubi
3 min readMay 27, 2018


It is of a truth that crypto projects, most recently have begun to address key issues otherwise, real life situations which are particular to important societal endeavors like health, food security, decentralized banking, the use of energies and electricity and lots more, altogether aimed at improving social standards rather than a bogus complicated purely business propositions aimed at acute money making!

With the advent of electronic currencies and the belief in and adoption of this monetary civilization by so many people, the crypto currency world now worth more and even more every year with hundreds of millions of both active and passive participants in the industry, giving it a wide recognition among peoples of several ethnicities located on both hemispheres across the globe.

It is only natural for active investors to want to tap into the “sea of coins” being presented on a regular basis by several developers with the utmost aim of making out profits from them.

While many crypto investors have made it a common practice to read a complicated well constructed piece of of long writing that may be said to be a business plan, commonly known as a “white paper” in the crypto currency world, many crypto projects still end up disappointing the investors because they fail to realize that the backbone of every good ICO project is a combination of these three factors: Good business proposition, tangible market traction and the use of a ready product.

As many crypto projects, until now, have addressed and explored other important aspects, none of them has particularly focused on the possibilities of improving the educational system generally. This is where CODE OF TALENT as an ICO finds a very important application, hence, a workable or feasible business proposition. In this regard, CODE OF TALENT ignites learning motivation with a blockchain of micro-learning platform in certain areas like: Token incentive system, micro learning engine services, features of recruitment and advertising.

It is therefore planned that merit based token allocation are rewarded to both learners and educators; the platform is designed to use reward token pool to regularly allocate the incentives. Also, experiential micro-learning framework, 10 minutes daily of learning sessions with direct teacher interaction with learners group of maximum of 40 participants. In terms of recruitment features, recruitment functionality dedicated to companies will be able to define criteria, search the platform, receive the learner’s accomplishment record and initiate contact for job hire. As a matter of advertisement, companies interested to boost their employer branding and increase overall brand recognition.

Furthermore, the CODE OF TALENT micro learning platform features sponsorship; a functionality dedicated to individuals and companies willing to support talent growth worldwide, premium content; a functionality which enables educators receive the premium content provider status based on their overall quality score. The premium content educators are able to charge for their courses and can create a network of the certified. Personal coach, educators with premium contents status certify top performing learners as personal coach for specific courses. Personal coaches engage in direct interactions with learners to guide and answer their questions. There are paid courses based on the token payment required by the premium content educator.

It is interesting to know that the platform presents equal opportunities to the community, transparency and also, complies to a considerable level, the law. Only citizens of restricted regions like China, USA, Singapore cannot buy CODE OF TALENT TOKENS(CODE) at https://codeoftalent.io

Now, this is an ICO taking education to the “MOON”!!!

Author: SMD


Bountyhive username: codered

