Data Structures Deep Dive (3/8): Stacks and Queues: Managing Data Efficiently

Pixel Profits
6 min readAug 15, 2023


Abstract Illustration of Stacks and Queues

In Case You Missed It: Revisit the foundational concepts in our previous article: Data Structures Deep Dive (2/8): Arrays and Linked Lists: The Basics

Understanding Stacks and Queues

Every day, without even realizing it, we interact with systems that function on principles similar to stacks and queues. Whether it’s stacking dishes after a meal or waiting in line for our morning coffee, these everyday actions offer a tangible glimpse into the world of data management.

Stacks and Queues are fundamental data structures that are used in various computational problems and real-world applications. They help manage data in a specific order, allowing for efficient data access and manipulation.

Stacks: The Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) Principle

A stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) principle. This means that the last element added to the stack will be the first element to be removed.

Visual Representation of a Stack

In the above diagram, the top element is the most recent one added, and it will be the first to be removed. The base element was the first to be added and will be the last to be removed.

Queues: The First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Principle

A queue is another linear data structure, but it follows the First-In, First-Out (FIFO) principle. This means that the first element added to the queue will be the first element to be removed.

Visual Representation of a Queue

In the above diagram, the front element was the first to be added and will be the first to be removed. The rear element is the most recent one added and will be the last to be removed.

Key Operations in Stacks and Queues:

Stack Operations:

  • Push: Add an element to the top of the stack.
  • Pop: Remove the top element from the stack.
  • Peek/Top: View the top element without removing it.

Queue Operations:

  • Enqueue: Add an element to the rear of the queue.
  • Dequeue: Remove the front element from the queue.
  • Front: View the front element without removing it.

Applications of Stacks and Queues:

Stacks and queues are fundamental in computer science and have a wide range of applications:

  • Stacks are used in algorithms like depth-first search, parsing expressions, and undo functionality in software applications.
  • Queues are used in algorithms like breadth-first search, handling requests in a multi-threaded environment, and order processing systems.

Before we explore the practical uses of stacks and queues, know that this is just one part of our comprehensive series. Follow me for more insights in our upcoming articles.

Real-world Applications of Stacks

  1. Web Browsers’ Back Button: Ever wondered how the back button in your web browser knows which page to go back to? It uses a stack. Each time you visit a new page, the URL is pushed onto a stack. When you click the back button, the current URL is popped off the stack, and the browser navigates to the URL at the top.
  2. Undo Functionality in Software: Software applications, especially those related to content creation like word processors or graphic design tools, use stacks to implement the undo feature. Every action is pushed onto a stack, and when the user chooses to undo it, the most recent action is popped off.
  3. Expression Evaluation & Syntax Parsing: Compilers use stacks to evaluate expressions and check the syntax of code snippets. For instance, ensuring that every opened parenthesis in an expression has a corresponding closing parenthesis.
  4. Recursive Algorithms: Algorithms that call themselves, such as the famous “Tower of Hanoi” puzzle, use a stack to manage the recursive calls.

Real-world Applications of Queues

  1. Order Processing Systems: E-commerce platforms or ticket booking systems use queues to manage the orders or bookings. As customers place orders, they are added to the rear of the queue and processed based on their position.
  2. Print Queue: In a network with many computers connected to a single printer, the order in which documents are printed is typically managed using a queue. As users send print commands, their requests are added to the queue and handled in a FIFO manner.
  3. Call Center Systems: When you call customer support and hear the message “All our representatives are busy, please hold,” your call is essentially being placed in a queue. Calls are then directed to available representatives in the order they were received.
  4. Task Scheduling in Operating Systems: Operating systems often have a queue of tasks that are waiting for CPU time. Tasks are dequeued and given CPU time based on priority and scheduling algorithms.
  5. Real-time Systems: In real-time systems, like those used in space missions or medical equipment, queues are used to manage tasks and prioritize them based on criticality.

Benefits of Stacks and Queues

1. Efficient Data Management:

  • Stacks: Due to the LIFO principle, stacks provide fast and efficient data access, especially when the most recent data is of primary interest.
  • Queues: The FIFO principle ensures systematic data processing, making queues ideal for scenarios where order matters.

2. Dynamic Size: Both stacks and queues can grow and shrink dynamically, which means they can adjust their size according to the data they hold. This dynamic nature ensures efficient memory usage.

3. Predictable Runtime Behavior: The operations associated with stacks (push, pop, peek) and queues (enqueue, dequeue, front) generally have a constant runtime, making their behavior predictable.

4. Versatility: Both data structures can be easily implemented using arrays or linked lists, making them versatile and adaptable to various programming scenarios.

5. Simplifies Complex Tasks: Tasks like reversing a string, checking for balanced symbols, or managing asynchronous data flows become more straightforward with the use of stacks and queues.

Limitations of Stacks and Queues

1. Limited Access:

  • Stacks: You can only access the top element. If you need to access elements in the middle, you’d have to pop elements until you reach the desired one.
  • Queues: Only the front element is directly accessible. To access or remove an element from the middle, you’d have to dequeue elements or use a more complex data structure like a deque.

2. Memory Concerns: If not implemented correctly, both stacks and queues can lead to memory wastage (if too much space is allocated) or overflow errors (if the space is exhausted).

3. Complexity in Multi-threaded Environments: In multi-threaded scenarios, ensuring thread-safe operations on stacks and queues can introduce complexity. Special implementations or additional mechanisms might be required to handle concurrent operations.

4. Potential for Errors: Without careful management, issues like stack overflow (adding to a full stack) or underflow (trying to pop from an empty stack) can occur. Similarly, trying to dequeue from an empty queue can lead to errors.


Stacks and queues, with their unique characteristics and principles, have firmly established themselves as foundational elements in the realm of data structures. Their applications, ranging from simple tasks like managing browser histories to complex operations in compilers and operating systems, underscore their significance in computer science.

The benefits they offer, such as efficient data management and predictable runtime behavior, make them indispensable tools for developers. However, like all tools, they come with their set of challenges. Recognizing and understanding these limitations is crucial to utilizing these structures to their fullest potential.

In software development, stacks and queues will continue to play a pivotal role. As developers and technologists, our journey of exploration and learning with these structures is ongoing. By continually refining our understanding and adapting to new challenges, we ensure that we harness the power of stacks and queues to build robust and efficient systems for the future.

Continue Your Journey: Stay tuned for the fascinating world of hierarchical data representation in our next article: Trees: Hierarchical Data Representation.



Pixel Profits

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