Leetcode 852. Peak Index in a Mountain Array

3 min readFeb 7, 2024


1. Problem description

An array arr is a mountain if the following properties hold:

  • arr.length >= 3
  • There exists some i with 0 < i < arr.length - 1 such that:
  • arr[0] < arr[1] < ... < arr[i - 1] < arr[i]
  • arr[i] > arr[i + 1] > ... > arr[arr.length - 1]

Given a mountain array arr, return the index i such that arr[0] < arr[1] < ... < arr[i - 1] < arr[i] > arr[i + 1] > ... > arr[arr.length - 1].

You must solve it in O(log(arr.length)) time complexity.

Example 1:

Input: arr = [0,1,0]
Output: 1

Example 2:

Input: arr = [0,2,1,0]
Output: 1

Example 3:

Input: arr = [0,10,5,2]
Output: 1


  • 3 <= arr.length <= 105
  • 0 <= arr[i] <= 106
  • arr is guaranteed to be a mountain array.

2. Intuition

Now we know that we should find i-th element which is bigger than its adjacent elements.

In the problem description, it gives us a huge hint “solve in O(log(arr.length-1))”.
In most cases, O(log n) algorithm follows binary search.
So I tried making an binary search application idea first.
By modifying the common binary search a bit, we can solve this problem easily.

1. If the mid element is bigger than (mid-1) and (mid+1), that is the exactly peak of given mountain and we return the index of the peak.
2. If left side of mid is smaller than ‘mid’ and right side is bigger than ‘mid’, It means that we are on left slope of mountain. So we should shrink the search range from mid to right
3. In opposite case, we are on right-side slope of mountain, so we need to set the range from left to mid.

A Mistake in below image was updating left and right as previous / next index of middle index. It will discard the crucial search point when the answer is located on right after mid index or right before mid index.
So we should update left and right

left = mid

right = mid

, not

left = mid + 1;

right = mid - 1;

3. Solution

  • time complexity : O(log n)
  • space complexity : O(1)
class Solution {


inline int modifiedBinarySearch(vector<int>& arr, int low, int high) {
int ind = -1;
int mid = (low + high + 1) / 2;

while(low < high) {
if(arr[mid-1] < arr[mid] && arr[mid] > arr[mid+1]) return mid;
else if(arr[mid-1] < arr[mid] && arr[mid] < arr[mid+1]) low = mid;
else high = mid;
mid = (low+high+1)/2;

return ind;

int peakIndexInMountainArray(vector<int>& arr) {
return modifiedBinarySearch(arr, 0, arr.size()-1);




I use C / C++ and Rust. Interested in computer graphics, computer networking and AI