3 min readJun 6, 2019


What we see sometimes that’s not the truth, On the basis of this line let see the actual state of freelancers.

A freelancer is a person who works from home for the company without being in office. They work from different places in the world as well as which help them to earn money from home.

The mental level of the freelancer depends on the workload and the target time.

Psychologically, if we see the mental level of the freelancers, they mostly complicated in the starting as they don’t work in the office and have gathered all the information by themselves, which sometimes stressed the person.



Firstly, there are two things that are very challenging to the freelancer is workload and pressure. As the work from home but still its really difficult to work because in the office we get that environment for work but in the home its quite different from the office.

As well as this all cause anger and make the person away from their family. A freelance always keeps calm and innovative and never take work stress.


The main and most effective point is fear of failure and rejection for a freelancer that the work, they have done, should praise in the market or not or how people react on their posts as well as the popularity of other freelancers.

But the rejections and failure are very important in life as this gives us a chance to grow and learn more.

We never take failure and rejection negatively it causes distress in the life of a freelancer, always look your failure as an achievement or a chance to overcome your mistakes and improve it.

Rejection causes a huge effect on the newly freelancers but they also take that rejection positively so that they can do better next time.


The third most challenging phase of a freelancer is time management, as they work at home and have other responsibilities at home as well, so sometimes this also causes a challenge to freelancer.

It’s really important to give time to your works but make it your stress doesn’t accept, you should manage the time according to your work at home as well as a freelancer. To reduce mental stresses make a work schedule and follow it.


Last but not least, job insecurity is what many people thought about, as freelancing is not the permanent as other jobs but still, its come under in the challenge that faced by a freelancer because of the competition scenario where we live now a day.

It’s really a competitive world we live in, for that job insecurity comes on the top and it causes tension and mental health affects a lot, but to overcome from it just believe in yourself and your work, no matter what people think or say just believe your work as well as its also important to take opinion of other people which is not bad as well as it helps in your job.

# TO OVERCOME FROM THIS STRESS Codersera is the best place where you find perfect freelancing jobs and developers for the company as it is a community of best coders, designers, and CTOs.

And you can work without any mental pressure their according to your need but hard work is what they want in their workers.

As well as they provide you the job on your terms and conditions and make it easier to find your perfect place and secure the future of newcomers, while it's a technical platform where you explore more and more and find as well as learn as much as you want.

