The Shiny Object Syndrome (Programmer’s Story)

Jad Taha
3 min readOct 24, 2023

In the world of programming, where innovation and new technologies abound, it’s easy to fall victim to the siren call of fleeting pursuits. Meet Jeffrey, a talented programmer who had a burning passion for coding but sometimes found himself meandering down a path filled with endless new frameworks, languages, and projects. In this article, we’ll explore Jeffrey’s journey and the valuable lessons his story imparts on the concept of fleeting pursuits in programming.

The Exciting Beginning:

Jeffrey was a promising programmer who excelled in his work. He began his career by developing web applications using a popular framework. However, the programming world was a dynamic one, always evolving. As a result, Jeffrey found himself constantly lured by new, exciting technologies. Each time he encountered a new framework or language, he couldn’t resist the urge to explore.

happy junior naiv programmer

The Shiny Object Syndrome:

Jeffrey’s obsession with the latest and greatest technologies had a downside. His focus shifted continuously, and he was hopping from one project to another, never fully committing to one. He fell victim to what programmers commonly refer to as “shiny object syndrome.”

The Unfinished Projects:

Jeffrey had a trail of half-finished projects in his wake. He would enthusiastically start building an app using the new framework he had just discovered, only to be captivated by another shiny object before completing the first one. As a result, his portfolio was filled with promising starts but no successful finishes.

Deadline Stress — Unfinished Project

The Turning Point:

One day, Jeffrey decided to attend a programming conference. There, he met an experienced developer who shared his own story of battling fleeting pursuits in his early career. He recounted how he turned things around by committing to one framework and focusing on mastery. Jeffrey was inspired.

The Turning Point — Idea

The Lesson Learned:

Jeffrey realized that his tendency to chase after fleeting pursuits was hindering his progress as a programmer. He decided to change his approach and made a deliberate commitment to a single framework. It wasn’t easy, but his determination paid off.

The Transformation:

With a renewed focus, Jeffrey completed his first full-scale project using his chosen framework. The sense of accomplishment was overwhelming. He found that his deep understanding of the framework allowed him to create efficient, high-quality applications.

From Realization to Reality — Transformation


Jeffrey’s story serves as a valuable lesson for programmers and individuals in all fields. While the allure of new technologies and opportunities is undeniable, it’s essential to recognize the pitfalls of fleeting pursuits. By staying disciplined, focusing on one project at a time, and dedicating effort to mastery, programmers can experience the true power of their chosen tools. In the dynamic world of coding, finding the right balance between exploration and commitment is the key to lasting success.

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