Demons and Digital Media

3 min readMay 28, 2024

My pathway to Christianity was through the dark alley behind it. I was a witch that only half assed believed in what I was practicing. I rarely saw any clear quantitative effects in anything I was doing, either prayers or spells. This important to note because it justifies the reality of the things I have experienced the last year. There was a before, where things worked as ‘normal life’ kinda dictates. Then, now, there’s an after, where I feel like the subject of some supernatural experiment.

I sinned pretty badly in my marriage. The biggest part of that was engaging with an online erotic hypnotist. There are sessions you pay for, then you donate money, and you get porn-y effects like hardons or whatever. On the surface, that’s all it was, and didn’t seem that bad as a non-Christian. But part of that was also worshipping her. So you are locked in these sessions on your headphones, worshipping her.

In the short run, I found myself filled with anxiety, my subconscious becoming a haunted landscape. Shakey, sleepless, and filled with violent imagery. I had a pretty stable mind before, and was comfortable with the idea of the supernatural, being a witch, but this was a lot. I noticed the dog upstairs would go crazy whenever I put the headphones on. After about six months of these erotic sessions, I had a full blown LSD trip without taking anything. I’ve taken it before, and knew what it felt like. This was a bad trip that took me to the emergency room, without taking anything. I had another one about two days later that also took me to the emergency room. In between the two I saw a demon in my room, with glowing yellow eyes, feminine form, about nine feet tall, hunched over, purple, reptilian skin and claws. She smiled at me like I was dinner. It was absolutely terrifying. I can’t describe how different it is to see something like that in your room as opposed to the movies. That second emergency room visit hospitalized me for a while, in which time I got intrusive thoughts of God, Who I hadn’t thought of in a long time. Bibles would be left open for me on tables (I remember Job as one of the passages). I began reading it and realizing that I was being guided away from the madness I found myself in. My wife flew me out to Philippines to be with her (we had a long distance marriage before that), and she helped to heal me spiritually. She left me random Bible passages that she didn’t know why she thought of them, and would sometimes speak in Biblical riddles. She said she felt guided. I read the Bible for the first time since youth and felt at peace and at ease. Events conspired to bring me to the local Catholic Church, and I’ve followed these signs and messages towards Catholicism, happily. I had my Catholic baptism and confirmation on Easter Vigil, so a couple months ago.

The important takeaway from my conversion story is that magic is very real, and demons are very real, and God and the Devil are very real. I’m continuously bedeviled now by electronic taunting from the demon that was summoned in my asinine indulgence last year. I believe this hypnotist to be a powerful witch and cult leader. I’m keeping this anonymous because it’s a hunch that I have, that if I keep this little spiritual battle I’m fighting from becoming personal, that it will stay spiritual only. If I start sending the wolves after her, I think I could be putting people in danger.

Please be careful what you do online!! I never signed up for this crazy business, intentionally. The enemy has his claws dug in deep into online media. God works in mysterious ways indeed, as the effect this all had has been making me a Catholic who prays for hours daily, goes to mass multiple times a week, and prays the rosary about four times a week. God somehow took a Goth alcoholic pagan witch bisexual transgender sinner and turned him into a devout Catholic. God Bless you all who reads this.

